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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

50th birthday party invitations

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  • balamw
    Oct 5, 07:50 PM
    Ok. Explain how Jon from Norway has now for the second time managed to crack Apple's _encryption_ and nobody has yet found any way to crack the _decryption_?
    In case you've missed it, decryption is (once again) hacked QTFairUse6 (http://www.hymn-project.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1553)

    I don't know how or even if Jon has cracked FairPlay 2.0 encryption. You tell me. How?

    Here's what I believe:

    In the case of AirTunes/JustePort, it's actually quite simple (for Jon and those of his talents), because the iTunes client software was the one encrypting the content for the AirPort, so the private key for that encryption was on the PC or Mac that was sending the content to the AirPort Express. Once you have the private key, you can portray yourself as the iTunes client and away you go.

    These kind of hacks involve on of two things. 1) gaining access to the keys (DeCSS, playfair/hymn, JustePort) 2) Finding places in the software where the encryption is "off" or at least weaker than before (QTFairUse, and PyMusique).


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  • 8CoreWhore
    May 2, 02:29 PM
    I find it amusing that the G1 can run Android Gingerbread fairly well, but Apple makes it impossible to upgrade the original iPhone to the latest and greatest iOS.

    The G1 came out more than a year after the iPhone, and had a dual-core and more RAM.

    And, upgrading it to 3.0 Gingerbread is unofficial --- for a reason.

    So, um, big deal.

    Really, what's the point you're making? Everyone should therefore throw their iPhones in the garbage and buy an HTC?

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  • NebulaClash
    May 4, 09:15 AM
    Does anybody know what apps are featured in this commercial? I was able to identify a few of them, but not all, and are not yet listed in the AppStore.

    In iTunes you can see a banner ad that says "Apps from iPad TV ads." That will take you to a page where you will see the apps.

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  • JohnMacnMiami
    Jan 15, 01:23 PM
    Apparently the market was not excited about it.
    Down $30+ a share since early Jan.
    Oh well, 6 years until I retire, I'll hope to see it bounce back (heh heh)

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 21, 10:09 PM
    So same system but without the down vote button at all?


    Yes, I think that would be better as well if we're going to have ratings.

    I think a purely numerical system will just encourage all of the negative aspects of the ratings system.

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 30, 07:38 AM
    Nope, it won't happen at all. There is too big of a market for people who write and rely on custom software.

    Who said there couldn't be custom software? You'll simply need a developer package. Students might get a special 'exception' area on the App store or private access or whatever, but it doesn't mean they won't start closing down the system at some point. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon....

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  • raleigh1208
    Nov 25, 02:10 AM
    Discounts no longer show up, so the sale is over. Hope everyone got a bargain. I didn't really see very many serious bargains. I bought the Airport Express for $88. But the main deals were not that great. They may have tempted some folks walking in the stores to buy a Macbook or ipod, or tempted those already waiting for those items. After paying sales tax, the discount was not that great, and serious bargain hunters could probably have done better at other resellers. But a buck's a buck, so here's to those who bought today and saved a few bucks!

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  • joeboy_45101
    Oct 28, 09:40 PM
    Oh ****! Thanks Apple! Now, how am I supposed to get Mac OS X to run on my old Linux box?

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  • Jaymes
    Mar 28, 02:51 PM
    What did you think they would do, rummage through all the non-app store apps on the Mac platform? Lol, some people are ridiculous.

    Are you new to the design awards? They have existed for years without the App Store. It used to to be that you would submit your app to Apple prior to WWDC. Why would an App Store be required?

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  • charlituna
    Jan 5, 08:32 AM
    And why does no iPhone on Jan 4th mean nothing for the rest of 2011??

    Indeed. THe rumors were everything from Dec 27, 2010 to when pigs fly. It is not like Apple said they would tell us something by today.

    That said, I don't see it happening. Frankly I don't see Apple building a CDMA phone series. Just makes things messy. Now when LTE is mature enough that 90+% folks never have to use a CDMA fallback and the rest rarely do, maybe. When someone comes up with a GSM/CDMA/LTE tri chip that doesn't cost a small fortune, eat up battery by lunch time etc, maybe. But I really think that in terms of 2011 all this CDMA jobs etc is about the ipad, not the iphone.

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  • Bistroengine
    Apr 5, 06:04 PM
    Yeah, I get it: Apple's iAd venture is doing really badly so they created this app to try to drum up some new business.

    This app is vital if I want to be successful or wealthy? Huh?:confused:


    Whoever spends their time looking at adverts is a lost cause and has no life. Seriously I think this is the most ridiculous thing apple has come up with.

    Unfortunately, Clukas's quote above is a perfect example of how the majority of the board is reacting to this post. 'Lost cause', 'loser', 'moron', 'has no life' are all insults I've seen all over this posting. Incredibly immature and unnecessary if you ask me.

    50th birthday party invitations. 50th Birthday Party
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  • psycoswimmer
    Jan 9, 02:44 PM
    sorry about the spoiler in the ticker guys

    I'm sitting here trying to do updates... that one was a mistake on my part.

    Really sorry. I removed it. we'll still post the link when it comes.


    Thanks Arn. Like I said, at least no details were revealed.

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  • vendettabass
    Nov 16, 04:33 PM
    Nope. Wouldn't put the store down at 5:30 pm on a Thursday (EST) for maintenance. My money is on either a major failure (unlikely) or a PRODUCT(RED) MacBook.


    Or, come to think of it, Quad Core Mac Pros.

    awe dude now ive gotta stay up and find out! (its 10:30pm UK time!)

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  • CaoCao
    Apr 27, 10:38 PM
    Newsflash, homo sapien sapien is just another species of mammal, like any other.

    So what?

    Most think they are wolves/dogs

    50th birthday party invitations. 50th Birthday Surprise Party
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  • twoodcc
    Apr 2, 10:45 PM
    well things aren't looking too good. i got here, but the air is broke! it's like 84 degrees in here, at almost midnight! :eek: and i don't have all my systems up either.

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  • bousozoku
    Jan 12, 08:32 PM
    What about all the former Apple CEO's. They had a company behind him too, but he simply could not lead like Jobs can.

    Notice the Newton? That was John Sculley's idea and it was brilliant.

    Had System 7 been what Copland was supposed to be, there would likely not have been any downfall but by that time, no one cared a lot. Both founders were out the door and morale was low. They were working on the Pink OS and decided to work with IBM but IBM is notorious for going nowhere with most of what they do.

    Michael Spindler didn't care about the business.

    It was the financial department that kept the company going despite marketing trying to squeeze $79 for each minor o.s. release.

    It takes more than one person to make a company work. It's good to have someone in charge who knows and cares about what's going on but without sharp developers and accountants, companies fail all the time. Look at Sun and Palm.

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  • SimonTheSoundMa
    Sep 25, 04:03 PM
    I suppose there could be a bit of news here for non-photographers.

    As I understand it, Aperture uses OS X's built-in RAW image processing. If I remember rightly, the last Aperture update accompanied an OS X update. So it's possible 10.4.8 could be just around the corner (i.e. sometime this week?)
    It still is pretty poor with compatibility when it comes to RAW. For example, it still can't read white balance from the meta data on RAW files off Canon cameras. Great!

    Aperture's development also is going slow. Apple pulling out the software?

    Perhaps all the developers are spending too much time on Leopard and Logic 8 at the moment.

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  • david6545
    Oct 4, 04:59 AM
    This is what I'm waiting for before considering a Core 2 Mac purchase. However, the current version of the Merom is drop-in replaceable with the Core Duo, so it's strange for Apple to not have something ready for the holidays. I believe they'll quietly update the MacBooks and MacBook Pros sometime in November with Core 2s.

    Or the remaining tuesdays/Wednesdays in October. But probably not much more than the processor, I'm afraid.

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  • wlh99
    Apr 28, 09:13 AM
    Your minutes and seconds are thus never reset, so your "timer" is never reset (this is completely a seperate issue from NSTimer, hence why I say you probably don't understand the scope of NSTimer. It has no knowledge of these variables and thus doesn't reset them when you invalidate myTimer or newTimer).

    That has been pointed out. The OP is stuck thinking the timer is broken, when it works exactly as it should. I think the OP thinks that those variables are part of the timer. He also first thought "self" was the timer. I asked if/where he was resetting the seconds, and if he wanted a reset function or not. For all we know, he wants a start stop timer that doesn't reset. That would be a normal implementation.

    Also, could you please post a screenshot of your Interface Builder associations ? (under File's Owner, the tab in Inspector with all the Outlets and Actions), because I can't quite figure out what buttons are tied to what actions.

    That would be very helpful. Also, explain how you want the program to act as the user uses it.

    You also still have 2 timers. Why do you believe you need both ? Have you tried simplifying the code to using only 1 ?

    He was told elsewhere that he could not reuse a timer. I think he is still stuck on the concept (not necessarily the definition) of a pointer, and of the life-cycle of an object. I'm not sure he grasps that in the posted samples, the NSTimer was not being reused.

    None of these are trick questions, It's me trying to understand what you think this code should do vs what it's actually doing. Now, if you don't answer my questions, I can't really help you here short of writing the code for you, which does not help you learn (I have a good idea how to make the code I wrote last night do what you want to do very quickly, but I doubt you can afford me as a consultant at my exorbitant rates!).

    I have some code to post to help the OP. But for not, I'm about to get a parking ticket, so I have to leave. But I will post it today.

    Mar 29, 09:00 AM
    I wrote:

    I say again, the Mac App Store has depressed the sales volume and gross in my category for everyone. This is not a success in the sense of encouraging a vibrant and growing Mac software market. I felt that before the Mac App Store opened that the Mac software market was reaching a critical mass and that developers found it increasingly attractive.

    Part of the previous appeal of the Mac software market to developers was the fact that Apple customers would accept increased costs for Mac software titles just as Apple charges a premium for its hardware because "it is worth it." Developers could coattail onto this and therefore ask higher prices for Mac software as compared to equivalent titles on other OS's.

    Once the Mac App Store opened, that premium pricing advantage was wiped out overnight. Apple customers now expect to pay less just as the mobile App Store has reduced app pricing -- and in many cases expecting equivalent prices from the iPhone to the Mac desktop.

    Do not underestimate this effect on developer's bottom lines.

    Jul 22, 06:00 AM
    Apple is right now the most disgusting company in the business.

    Apr 29, 03:57 PM
    More great news I hope!

    Oct 3, 06:30 PM
    I'm thinking about buying someone one of the "Photo Day" passes as a gift. Any ideas if it's worth the $250?

    (e.g. has anyone gone to a similar event, and was it worth it)

    Jul 21, 03:23 PM
    Apple Apple Apple... or should I say Steve Steve Steve...

    What you are doing right now is what a psychologist would call "diverting." You are simply trying to take away the focus of your own iPhone 4's faults and place everyone's attention on other brands that we do not care about. You admitted you screwed up (congratulations, that is a great first step). Now it is time to take another baby step and fix the problem... your problem... the iPhone 4.

    You are 100% correct, this is exactly what Apple is doing and many in the press have raised the same fact. It is a classic and deliberate PR move to divert attention away from Apple�s own issues�even if their competitors have the same or similar issues.