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Monday, May 30, 2011

hello kitty devil

hello kitty devil. side Hello Kitty devil,
  • side Hello Kitty devil,

  • Nicky G
    Sep 28, 01:25 PM
    Very tasteful it seems. Not a surprise.

    hello kitty devil. Color Hello Kitty Vehicle
  • Color Hello Kitty Vehicle

  • pimentoLoaf
    Sep 28, 05:24 PM
    It's so simple � Did he design it with The Sims house editor? :D

    hello kitty devil. Sanrio Hello Kitty Angel or
  • Sanrio Hello Kitty Angel or

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 17, 11:15 AM
    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    I routinely work with video files and animation frames/models/scenes that are several gigabytes in size. Our current back-up solution is an ever-evolving archive on a redundant SAN with rotating tape archives. It would sure be nice to be able to record a project onto a single disc again instead of multiple discs. Because, doing the whole multi-DVD backup of a project is a pain in the arse and I rearely mess with such a thing given the other solutions in place.

    HD-DVD and Blu-Ray are just another evolution of the CD / DVD / optical disc format. Just as CPU speeds and hard drive storage capacities increase, so must the capacities of other types of media.

    As for yoru comment on 1080p displays... All HDTV sets are now in the progression to 1080p with most new '06 model DLP and LCOS rear projection sets now accepting and displaying full 1080p. There are currently 4 plasma displays on the market between the US and Japan that are full 1080p and several LCD models.

    FWIW and I'm not trying to boast too much, I waited patiently to replace my old 36" tube set until 1080p was reality. I finally did so this July and bought the Samsung HL-S7178W - a 71" DLP TV with full 1080p and it's absolutely stunning. Did cost me $3600 on special with another coupon, but that's actually $180 less than I paid for the set it replaced when I bought it about 7 years ago.

    hello kitty devil. Hello Kitty Devil Tattoo.
  • Hello Kitty Devil Tattoo.

  • bassfingers
    Apr 22, 09:45 AM
    +1 I'm all for it!

    teach our kids why rome fell etc.

    hello kitty devil. hello kitty devil wallpaper.
  • hello kitty devil wallpaper.

  • ankit
    Oct 28, 03:25 PM
    Whenever I hear the OSS crowd scream "Software should be FREE!" I translate that to mean "I refuse to pay someone for their work, thus I will STEAL it"!

    You have no idea what "free" means, do you? Free software has absolutely nothing to do with the money you pay to obtain it. Commercial software that you would pay thousands of dollars for can be a perfectly good example of "free" software.

    hello kitty devil. Hello Kitty Angel / Devil
  • Hello Kitty Angel / Devil

  • SciFrog
    Apr 9, 12:19 PM
    Looks like we are getting close to our likely max output of 270-280k ppd... Nice. Let's see if Apple wants to release new Mac pros soon now.

    hello kitty devil. Hello Kitty Little devil Decal
  • Hello Kitty Little devil Decal

  • twoodcc
    May 11, 03:27 PM
    False alarm it was a single threaded a0 work unit, grrrr :mad:

    and now it's back to a3's...

    oh man, dang.

    well there's still hope that my home built rig is going. a bigadv unit posted today for me, but i'm not sure which machine it should be. i'll find out tomorrow though

    hello kitty devil. hello kitty devil wallpaper.
  • hello kitty devil wallpaper.

  • zephxiii
    Dec 20, 11:47 AM
    Yes I'm well aware of China Mobile's vast GSM Edge network. But this is a 3g phone. So that 558 Million actually doesn't count given that it would be like giving the phone to T-Mobile knowing that they can't support 3g. And Apple doesn't pull moves like that since it would open them up for lawsuits (if someone unlocks on their own, that's on them).

    The real numbers to look at are 152 Million valid GSM 3g subscribers against 178 Million CDMA customers. And no contract prohibiting having a phone for both. So again, if this is about making money, why didn't they make a CDMA phone for that second group. Assuming they are open to having a CDMA iphone at all.

    I don't think China has much interest in the iPhone.

    hello kitty devil. hello kitty devil wallpaper.
  • hello kitty devil wallpaper.

  • EricNau
    Jan 12, 12:25 AM
    they didn't release iwork and ilife probably b/c of Amazon putting it up on their website early
    Actually, I believe it wasn't released at MacWorld for two reasons...

    1) Time. They keynote ran about 2 hours as is (already above the average). Introducing two new software suites would easily add another 45 minutes (making the event much too long).

    2) The focus was clearly the iPhone, and Jobs didn't want anything to steal its glory.

    It makes much more sense to introduce the iPhone at MacWorld and have a separate event for Leopard, iLife, and iWork.

    hello kitty devil. hello kitty devil wallpaper.
  • hello kitty devil wallpaper.

  • Tallest Skil
    Jan 9, 07:00 PM
    1. Steve Jobs will announce an "official" Apple Rumors blog, then sue himself for breach of contract.

    2. The edditors of MacRumors.com will lurn to check theire posts for speling and grammor errors before poosting.

    3. A retired Bill Gates will join the Apple board, bringing with him the much needed stale and unoriginal perspective on software Apple needs to finally break into the corporate sector.

    4. Free ham with every purchase of an iPod Touch.

    5. Someone will post something in this forum that isn't pure uneducated speculation, self-righteous nonsense, or pseudo-insider gobbledeegook.

    Tanj in torment, that made me laugh! Sues himself, BAH! And the Gates thing wouldn't be bad at all. It would be the ULTIMATE ADMITTANCE OF APPLE'S SUPERIORITY.

    hello kitty devil. Sanrio Hello Kitty Devil Plush
  • Sanrio Hello Kitty Devil Plush

  • fun173
    Apr 5, 09:46 PM
    This is an excellent app. I have been wondering what sort of ads are going to be showing up in my app and I know for sure now.

    hello kitty devil. Hello Kitty - Lil#39; Devil
  • Hello Kitty - Lil#39; Devil

  • Inkling
    Aug 1, 03:51 PM
    DRM should be unified - one DRM standard for ALL devices.

    While I'm no great fan of DRM, this makes about as much sense as making all home, car and office locks use the same key. And making files DRM'd under one system transferable to a different DRM (what France was attempting) simply means that no DRM will be stronger than the weakest.

    Like it are not, if we want to buy legit music, we've got to have a fairly effective DRM or those who own music have no incentive to release it. Would any of us leave a brand-new MacBook Pro unattended on a park bench while we went into a store? Well, these people have far more invested in their music than we have in our computers.

    In short, we shouldn't demand of others different standards than those we live by ourselves.

    hello kitty devil. Item Name: Devil Hello Kitty
  • Item Name: Devil Hello Kitty

  • the Rebel
    May 4, 12:14 AM
    FYI, I just looked up the US Department of Transportation statistics.

    Trucks outnumber cars in some states, but cars outnumber trucks in other states. Overall they say that passenger vehicles in the United States are 58% cars and 42% trucks, but the total number of trucks continues to increase whereas the total number of cars has actually decreased slightly.

    hello kitty devil. hello kitty devil wallpaper.
  • hello kitty devil wallpaper.

  • toddybody
    Apr 29, 01:14 PM
    Hope Lion comes with my sandybridge mba :D

    I hope something besides SB IGP comes with that MBA too:p

    hello kitty devil. hello kitty devil wallpaper.
  • hello kitty devil wallpaper.

  • NewSc2
    Oct 10, 09:57 PM
    hah, new iPod? yeah right.

    out of all the rumors currently circulating, the only one i give some importance to is the iPhone (with Cingular and T-Mobile claiming it). The new Macbook Pro WILL come out, just a matter of when, and whenever somebody claims to have a "reliable source" I really doubt it, especially those Chinese sites.

    I think this might be ready at MWSF. If they release MBP's, iPhones, and vPods before MWSF, what the heck are they gonna surprise us with there? Nothing.

    hello kitty devil. hello kitty devil wallpaper.
  • hello kitty devil wallpaper.

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Nov 16, 12:46 PM
    Well, no one said ditching.. I'm sure Apple's got their gear running on all sorts of things, just in case. Where Apple's machines are in the market, the Intel name and specs are far more valuable than AMD, no? Intel's got a fire under them now, and the sleeping giant's gathering steam, so while I'm sure Apple's got many plans, I can't see them expanding x86 suppliers for a long, long time..

    But, then again, who wants to watch movies on a 3" screen? :-)

    I can't see Apple ditching intel this early somehow.

    hello kitty devil. Color Hello Kitty Vehicle
  • Color Hello Kitty Vehicle

  • Zadillo
    Oct 10, 09:19 PM
    While I don't know about Engadget's "reliable" Apple sources, their reliable Microsoft sources gave em everything about the Zune, even a PICTURE.

    So don't dismiss this, it's Page 1 worthy, but it's also not more than 50% likely, as it would be if this was AppleInsider we were talking about.

    Well, the difference there is that Microsoft used Engadget and others as part of their marketing campaign - "leaking" product information and photos to them to try and drum up interest. They did the same thing before with their "leaks" of Origami to try and build up hype. Of course, Zune seems to have gained more traction than UMPC (perhaps because the Zune is basically using a model that has been proven successful by the iPod).

    Apple on the other hand just doesn't seem to leak product information ahead of time any more, and they also don't seem to need to do that kind of thing to generate hype and excitement for their products.


    hello kitty devil. Angel and Devil Hello Kitty
  • Angel and Devil Hello Kitty

  • Much Ado
    Oct 29, 06:50 AM
    "If they Hardware worked with any software, it would not be so easy to use"
    "It would also not work so well"

    Sorry, but that doesn't really make sense.

    hello kitty devil. hello kitty devil coloring
  • hello kitty devil coloring

  • mrkramer
    Apr 22, 02:06 AM
    Better. Can we turn it off in User CP Options?

    I hope we can. I know it has been requested a lot, but I personally find no use for it and I don't like the look of the buttons so would love to be able to hide them.

    Jul 21, 08:40 PM
    go Apple. fight fire with fire.

    Apr 26, 08:40 AM
    People can be so disgusting. Seriously, how would it have hurt those girls in her using a stall? It wouldn't have. Just like it wouldn't hurt a guy if she went into the Men's bathroom to use a stall.

    The poor girl was a waif too. What could she have done to those girls?

    Whilst the company shouldn't say 'if you see any fights, jump in the middle of them', those employees should know full well that it isn't ok to watch and laugh as someone is getting the tish kicked out of them! Who was the man in the Blue shirt at the start of the video? he tried to break it up at first but seemed to then let it carry on.

    Oct 11, 12:11 AM
    At this point, ill believe it when it happens

    Well personally, I'll fervently believe in it, until it happens, at which point I will stop believing in it at all.

    Nov 24, 02:19 AM
    The sale is on. :)

    24-inch iMac ordered. :D

    Aug 9, 06:49 PM
    Would someone who bought what they assume to be the newer
    version of this display with improve brightness and contrast
    please post part of your serial number.

    Mine: 2A6211XXXXX (Xs represents the rest of my number)
    date of manufacture: May 2006

    Determined from the decoder at:

    I'm trying to detemine if the one I just bought is in this new batch.
    And if it isn't I want to return it quickly.
    I have 15 days to return it and exchange if I don't want this display to the store
    where I bought it (not from an Apple store).