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Monday, May 30, 2011

pictures of haircuts for women over 40

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  • musser
    Nov 26, 05:11 PM
    Look at these numbers. Is that anything to write home about?

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 4, 10:16 AM
    (edit) In case anyone thinks I have said anything mean about FP's wife, keep in mind the only thing I know about her is that she's a teacher in a union.

    And the fact that she married 5P. ;)

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  • logandzwon
    Mar 25, 06:29 AM
    Happy birthday!

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  • djgamble
    Mar 28, 03:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    How about Cydia apps? ;p

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  • Full of Win
    May 3, 03:34 PM
    This is a major setback IMHO...
    I know it is illegal but carriers make tons of cash with their inflated prices... Who protects us from that?

    I guess you mean legal? We protect ourselves by not signing on the dotted line. Nothing says that access to data how we want it is a human right. It's a luxury. I'm not a fan of the carriers, but I was the one who went to them; I was neither forced or fooled into forming a contract with them.

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  • kuwisdelu
    Apr 8, 05:41 PM
    I'd say 10.6 had a ton of new features; they just weren't in the UI.

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  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:13 AM
    I dunno. I would think they'd wait to revise to iTunes 7.0 for Leopard. It would just make more sense to start with the new number with the new OS. After all, it's only a short time away, why start on like a 7.1.3 when you can start on good ol 7.0?

    Doesn't mean squat to Apple what version of iTunes ships with Leopard. iTunes is pretty much it's own entity now within the OS. It's not necessary to update version numbers with the OS. And anyway, it's cross-platform.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    May 2, 11:41 AM
    Thanks to Apple for addressing the issue and thanks to the people who discovered and revealed it.

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  • TheUndertow
    Apr 25, 12:42 PM
    I would LOL if it stood for iPhone 4S(print).

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  • Puck.
    Jan 14, 01:40 PM
    Pretty sure that the "something in the air" is the stench of the hardcore fanboys leaving their parents' basements for the first time in months...

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  • SMM
    Jan 12, 07:11 PM
    ok, now, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, who is lesser evil?
    trust me, they are both evil, businesslike.
    At least Bill have the biggest charity foundation.

    No, Texas is evil. These are just businessmen.

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  • Popeye206
    May 3, 11:16 PM
    When I hear �It�s just getting started,� that signals to me there is more to come. Which implies that patience will be rewarded. Which further implies to wait for future models. That's obviously not how Apple intended it, but that�s the way I interpret it as a viewer. Could just be me though. I am a very happy owner of many Apple products by the way�including an iPad 1st gen�so I�m not being biased against Apple by any means. JMO

    I don't think they're trying to hint towards anything hardware... I think they're setting up for the changes coming with iOS 5, Lion and the new iCloud stuff.

    Can't wait until June... I think we have some very nice surprises coming for all Apple devices.

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  • fortetfn
    Aug 16, 12:14 AM
    As I mentioned earlier about the ghosting thing, it mostly happens when I play a movie on it. When it is not in full screen mode. I hope this will help some people in this forum.

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  • wasabeeguy
    Apr 15, 11:43 PM
    look, i could make the exact thing in blender and render it in luxrender. and make it 10x more real looking cmon.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 07:11 AM
    For the anti-virus, yes, for office no you get the complete version, as well as MS live.

    Depending on where you buy, you actually can get more "full" versions of applications then you do with a mac. I'm not knocking apple or iLife, they're great apps, but you cannot say that a new PC is unusable until you download a lot of apps and such. Dell, HP, etc all come with office and/or other apps. Yeah there's crapware installed and I won't dispute that, but you also get full version apps

    I want to compile my PERL app and run a full fledged SLTK software that I have coded for Si-Testchip verficiation.

    All I need to do is copy/paste my software and it runs.

    Can it on windows? NO.

    You seem to be in a different world when you claim that windows PC's have the same 'it just works' attitude. No they do not.

    From drivers to miniature downloads, you need a lot.

    I have used assembled computers, factory pre-loaded PC's and other laptops.
    Right now, I have a w7 laptop from tell which my company got for more than a 1000 pounds -> It just doesn't work. There's too much to fix, too much to find, too much to suffer. Should I fix my computer OR should I worry about my testchip releases?

    You are missing some very important points and you act as if you are unaware of the complexities one has to deal with windows PCs.

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  • terraphantm
    Apr 25, 07:41 PM
    Bigger sensor requires bigger lens and bigger lens requires bigger housing. With Apple, you are not going to get this. If you look for bigger sensor -check Nokia or Sony phones.

    They increased the sensor size with the 4 even though the phone was overall slimmer, they could do it again

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  • nagromme
    Sep 25, 11:17 AM
    The reasons people HATE this new version so much:

    1. It adds a lot of features and answers requests.

    2. It's a free update.

    3. This is a photography event, and people were caught off guard when Apple showed their photography product, despite the Aperture image right on the invitation.

    4. Apple never releases hardware on Tuesdays, so there is no hope for any MacBook Pro updates tomorrow.

    5. There will never be another chance for new MacBook Pros. We now know that the current models will be sold forever and ever, even after Apple goes out of business, which will happen by the end of the year.


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  • WeegieMac
    Mar 18, 02:55 AM
    But people actually seem to hate Apple because they can't afford their products. Most of them admitted that had the iPhone been cheaper they'd buy one, hence they can't afford it so they are bitter.

    Nail. Hit. On. The. Head.

    In personal experience, most of the Apple "haters" I've known have fallen into the category if they could afford an Apple product, then they wouldn't hate.

    Hating something is easier than openly admitting "I want that but cannot afford it", so by creating a hate figure out of the company/products, it makes it easier for the person to "accept" that they will never own the product they secretly lust after.

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  • Flowbee
    Nov 23, 05:37 PM
    A preliminary list available at this time reveals the following sales:

    Has this preliminary list been published somewhere, or is this secret inside information?

    Apr 8, 03:30 AM
    @SPEEDwithJJ: Watch the Family Guy episode "New Kidney in Town" and you'll know :D

    Apr 5, 04:23 PM
    anyone that would download this app is a complete moron

    Not really. You know this app is more for people interested in creating iAds right? This way they can see what is possible to be done and create their own. Think of it like when you go to the paint store and they have swatches for you to look at. Its kind of the same thing.

    Oct 18, 03:24 PM
    Please, this conversation is so 2005...

    Optware also plans to release a holographic disk product for streaming video that's targeted at the film and broadcast industries, and a consumer disk product that is about the size of a credit card with 30GB of capacity.

    hah, so funny, but then again, it has taken alot of time to make blu-ray hope this could come faster.

    but.... it all depends on pricing. will holographic storage be cheaper? more reliable.

    if so... sign me up. alot of us just want reliable storage.

    but... with turner movies using it. sounds like a professional tier product, not consumer yet

    Jul 13, 10:02 PM
    farout man, thats BS. is it ADSL?

    it's cable internet. the company is mediacom. it's the only cable company out here. but i guess i might have to go dsl if they don't fix it

    Apr 26, 09:57 AM
    I know it wasn't a skeevy guy. What I also know is that transgendered people have to deal with all sorts of problems, including what restroom to use. A transgendered woman going into a women's room should not be treated like a skeevy guy going into a restroom, but it happens. I've seen it happen. I pointed out the comparison to spark a conversation, not to say it's right, but to say the comparison is often made. Either there is a failure of education and tolerance, or some accomodation needst to be made, or maybe security should be better, or something...

    Oh, and there are too many people who make unfounded assumptions. This story is proof of that.

    Out of curiosity, do you actually know what gender she was? Was she post-op? Pre-op? Does it matter? I think a woman sitting in a stall might freak out by someone peeing upright next to them.

    Yes, I do. She's female. No it doesn't matter, even if she was pre-op she wouldn't nor would any transsexual pee standing up in a female public restroom. I certainly never did before I had surgery. For what it's worth I used female loos for four years before I went under the knife, not one single incident, not one single person expressed any kind of discomfort, not one single eyelid batted.

    This obsession with the loos is ridiculous. They're just toilets. We have to piss just like anyone else, is it too much to ask to do it with dignity without undue hassle?

    I did have something to add, my opinion, which I am more than entitled to state just as much as you do.

    This guy had arms and legs. He could've at least tried to defend himself, but he chose not too, which I dont understand why...

    If I were attacked, my first instinct would be to fight back or run.

    You're not a skinny girl. Being attacked like that typically puts one into a state of shock especially if one doesn't have the fight/flight response of a typical male.