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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

happy birthday wishes for friend

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  • krestfallen
    Oct 17, 09:53 AM
    I do , I have 140Gb of Photos from my DSLR (and previous digital cameras) putting this on 3 discs rather than 40 discs would be great

    I also have 28Gb of music, backing up form itunes to 1 disc rather than 8 would also be useful

    word *knock on table*
    i got the same problem :-P

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  • airforce1
    May 2, 12:23 PM

    If the people claiming this is a non issue are serious then they should all email Steve and tell him to stop addressing it.

    I think the problem here is that many on this board cannot distinguish between trolls blindly trying to stir stuff up on an Apple forum and non-trolls discussing a legitimate issue. People need to learn how to separate the two and ignore the trolls if they try to pile onto an unfavorable discussion of Apple on a particular issue.
    yes and many of these trolls spend most of their time on apple forums with pro apple views, even bias, as Jobbs said the Tech community failed to educate everyone on what he failed to provide evidence for to show they DID NOT violate privacy laws.

    Im sure apple knew they have to pay a fine, now they will just pretend with so called tech trolls on forums that they fixed this, its not over you see, when congress demands a standard on collecting data and to what extent and who then we will see all the data sheets apple is hiding from me and you, until then you and i both could be called trolls for just posting anything here, thats a opinion and propaganda (lie) though

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  • macidiot
    Oct 19, 03:11 PM
    How does one go about buying stock? Never done it before, except in Economics class and I lost a bunch of fake stock. :p

    I was thinking of buying a couple hundred bucks worth. Any advice? I just want to get my feet wet here and have some fun watching it go.

    Open an account with a brokerage.

    Pick up the phone or go online and buy stock.


    As far as which brokerage, it's up to you. But I'd really steer clear of any full service brokerage (like Merrill Lynch or Morgan Stanley). They try to rape you on fees. I like Fidelity myself, but Schwab, etrade, etc. are all fine.

    Considering the very small amount your investing, fees are a big deal. Try to find one that offers low commision fees.

    Oh, and usually there is a minimum dollar amount you need to open an account. I don't know what it is, but it's pretty low.

    Finally, considering the small amount your talking about, unless your just doing it for fun, I wouldn't even bother with stock. Just buy an unmanaged S&P index fund. It's mindless and you'll outperform about 90% of the "experts."

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  • mac-er
    Oct 2, 07:08 PM
    Jobs apparently warned that while Apple was not a litigious company

    Well, that has to be the funniest thing I ever heard.


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  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 6, 07:18 PM
    Apple makes what?

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  • interlaced
    Nov 24, 11:31 PM
    some kid in front of me in line brought in his old ipod for the ipod exchange program and got an additional discount on today's price. the 30gb ipod he got ended up being a little over $200. :rolleyes:


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  • Anthony T
    Apr 16, 11:10 AM
    The iPad has a black strip if you hadn't noticed, much like the original iPhone.

    Which leads me to believe Apple may be going for a design like this:


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  • TimUSCA
    Apr 25, 12:08 PM
    I seriously doubt Apple is going to change the screen size so slightly because it may require a lot of software re-writes (unless the apps are truly resolution independent).

    Perhaps, the screen only appears bigger because the borders will relatively shrink in the next generation????

    The resolution would stay the same, so no extra coding would be required. Only the pixel density would change (PPI).


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  • Love You My Friend

  • airforce1
    May 2, 12:30 PM
    The whole thing was blown out of proportion, they had no choice but do somthing thing...

    I agree apple was presented with a lawsuit last year and they still refused to address this until some geeks found the actual BUG, thats way out of line, Apple is LIABLE period,

    Now they have privacy matters with tracking, collecting and remote desktop controlling with out users consent.


    Running a sweatshop company offshore to protect themselves from any human rights violations

    having developers use apps to spy on peoples political views, congress loves that one, they still wonder about Obamas Birth Certificate and the wall street hike, this certainly could of helped anyone take advantage.

    maybe apple was about to collapse becuase Steve was sick and they got desperate, who knows, liability is probably a fine and handing over the data, money which could of paid fairly to those working over seas for apple living of a 10 bucks a week to make ipads so some take home profit., why not put americans their who pay taxes

    happy birthday wishes for friend. Birthday Wishes
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  • anjinha
    Apr 25, 04:23 PM
    You expect employees who make minimum wage to break up a fight? They should call the cops, but for sure not break up a fight.

    No, I expect them to check on the woman when she's lying on the floor. I expect them to not tell the two woman who beat her up to go away before the cops get there.


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  • Bo98
    Apr 25, 12:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Despite the source of the image being not 100% trusted, this seems to be most accurate sounding rumour. Although I do not think that it will be called iPhone 4S as this will mess with the versioning numbers because the one after the 4S/5 would be 6.

    happy birthday wishes for friend. happy birthday wishes quotes
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  • ctdonath
    Oct 1, 04:13 PM
    FYI: http://www.friendsofthejacklinghouse.org/


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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 11, 08:01 AM
    Actually its the other way around. Windows 7 has leap frogged apple in terms of functionality, UI and usability.

    Apple needs to play catch up by adding some features to OSX.

    What are those features?

    What is that 'UI'?

    What kind of usability?

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  • ABG
    Apr 7, 03:04 PM
    Just collected this...


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  • Stella
    Jul 21, 09:21 AM
    Why are Apple on a witch hunt?

    Apple should concentrate on fixing their problem instead of finger pointing and deflecting the issue onto other companies. We already know the problem isn't as severe on other devices as the iPhone 4.

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  • macenforcer
    Sep 25, 01:00 PM
    LAME! Apple you suck.


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  • tophergt
    Oct 19, 10:09 AM
    Do you believe that the perpetual delay of Microsoft's Vista OS is allowing Apple to temporarily grab up some of the markey share? I'm not saying that people who would otherwise purchase a Wintel machine are switching to Mac because Vista is not out, but rather that some percentage are waiting to buy their new Core2Duo machine (or other upgrade to their current box) until they can get an full release version of Vista preinstalled on it.

    Just a conjecture, but I thought it was worth considering. I suppose we'll find out in the first two quarters of 2007 when Microsoft decides that they're ready to release that bad boy on the world . . .

    [JDOG, your post came in while I was still typing mine . . . sorry for the repeat]

    happy birthday wishes for friend. happy birthday wishes for
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  • whooleytoo
    Jul 28, 01:45 PM
    I really wish I didn't sound so cynical, but that's the picture as I understand it.

    I think we have to start somewhere. Whether we like it or not, diesel/petroleum aren't going to last forever so sooner or later something has to change.

    Obviously a lot of electricity is generated through non-renewable fuels now, and the distribution network isn't ready for cars to be able to recharge 'on journey'. But electric cars aren't a bad start. If a critical mass of electric cars is reached, it'll start to make business sense to develop charging stations (or stations with stocks of swappable cells?) on major routes.

    If we wait for these charging stations to appear before starting to buy electric cars, we'll end up in a Catch 22. And (stating the obvious, but) electricity for the cars can be generated cleanly and renewably, even if it isn't at present.

    You may be right about California & other parts of the US having power generation problems, and that may well hamper electric car adoption in those areas; but that shouldn't stop others from switching.

    All IMO. :)

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  • maflynn
    Apr 22, 11:58 AM
    How do you feel about being tracked and information stored without your knowledge? Oh wait, it's ok, Uncle Stevie knows what's best.

    From what I've read, the police have known about this little feature for sometime and use it. So in a worst case scenario, Big Brother was watching.

    Jan 10, 11:15 AM
    How about The Beatles finally on iTunes?
    HD Movies in iTunes!
    :apple:TV update for HD content, movie rentals and (((5.1 Dolby Surround Sound)))

    Jul 24, 08:45 AM
    I also doubt that this thing will break the iPod's dominance in the market, however the transfer in loyalty that's been happening is not as profound as people might think. A couple of years ago, people will be deciding between a Vaio or a Toshiba, today, it's a PC or a Mac but at this stage it appears the PC is still winning out.

    And there actually are people who don't know who made the iPod! :confused:

    Mar 28, 03:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    How about Cydia apps? ;p

    Apr 8, 01:52 PM
    I wonder what the special promotion is.

    Hey Best Buy, not sure what you are waiting for but last time I checked the special iPad 2 promotion was the release on 3/11...Seriously a BS excuse and weak stuff if they are really holding back supplies.

    louis Fashion
    Mar 28, 03:56 PM
    I award the l. Fashion design award to the big grey box at the top of this thread. Would look nice on my desk.