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Monday, May 30, 2011

johnny depp chest tattoos

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  • thefourthpope
    Mar 24, 04:47 PM
    Happy Birthday!

    I love how much smaller the boxes have gotten...

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  • Mac-Mariachi
    Apr 15, 11:17 PM
    Why didn�t they post photos of the front side of the shell?

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  • noservice2001
    Oct 10, 04:45 PM

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 2, 06:53 AM
    Loosing Denmark, or Norway or both, doesn't matter one bit. It is a courtesy that Apple even allowed these small and meaningless countries to join in on the fun.
    Since you claim you work in Denmark, you should know Denmark, as well as Sweden, is a part of European Union (EU). If you had done your homework, you should also know that EU implies that all non-nation specific laws should be idential for all countries in EU (very much the same as in US). That is, if the French and the scandinavians find that Apples DRM violates consumer rights, it has a very good chance to become accepted all over EU. Furthermore, since EU has about 460 million people whereas US only have 296 milion people, it should according to your argumentation about minor markets imply that Apple rather should dump the US market than the european market. :rolleyes:
    You should know by now that a company sole purpose is to make money for the shareholders, and nothing else. I very much doubt that board of Apple or its partners even would consider dumping a close to half a billion potential customers.


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  • hatcher146
    Jan 8, 09:23 PM
    i'm hoping for...

    a thin macbook(pro)

    maybe 16 GB iPhone

    movie rentals

    more info on SDK for iPhone

    hmmm what else? i can't think

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  • MacRumors
    Oct 6, 10:15 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2009/10/06/verizon-targets-atandts-network-with-theres-a-map-for-that-campaign/)

    TechFlash noted (http://www.techflash.com/seattle/2009/10/verizon_goes_right_after_att_with_new_ad_campaign.html) yesterday that Verizon is rolling out a new advertising campaign targeting AT&T's network by focusing on the geographic coverage of the competing companies' networks. The campaign also employs a twist on Apple's "There's an app for that" iPhone slogan with its own tagline of "There's a map for that."The fine print also is worth checking out. It reads: "Browse the Web and download music and apps, at 3G speed, in five times more places than the nation's number two wireless carrier. Before you pick a phone, pick a network."A television commercial featuring the new campaign also debuted yesterday.

    Article Link: Verizon Targets AT&T's Network With 'There's a Map For That' Campaign (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2009/10/06/verizon-targets-atandts-network-with-theres-a-map-for-that-campaign/)


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  • Rodimus Prime
    Aug 7, 11:57 PM
    Arguably true - but that illustrates a big weakness of the hybrid design...they are always going to take a weight penalty over a pure diesel or pure electric car.

    Until we come up with a way to make batteries a lot lighter, more efficient and more green, they are going to force engineers to make big compromises.

    but at the same time they carry the advantages of both which normally counter acts the extra weight. For example at low speeds electric is great and better than combustion engine. On the flip side combustion engines are better for maintain speed over long distance.
    Basicly with the hybrid design you can get 40+ mpg in either city or hwy.

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  • twoodcc
    Oct 19, 09:55 AM
    Always a good sign!

    yes it is! great news for Apple. I'm excited :D


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  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 14, 05:56 PM
    Guessing you guys never played Rust a lot in MW2. Talk about getting killed as soon as you spawn. Rust along with Terminal was a perfect knifing map. :D
    Yea, Rust was just as bad, same with Shipment in COD4. Those types of small maps are fun, like once every 50 games or so, just to break the flow a little, and run and gun. And I don't really have a problem with Nuketown itself, per se, but when you have totally abysmal spawns, it just sucks. If the spawns were better, my view of many maps would be much more favorable. I'm looking at you Array and Summit :mad:

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  • spydr
    Oct 5, 08:39 PM
    So when will Real be dead? I have a feeling that after our inevitable nuclear war, it'll just be cockroaches, twinkies and them. At least they'll be in good company.LMAO:D :D :D :D


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  • Virtualball
    Oct 10, 09:28 PM
    Apple on the other hand just doesn't seem to leak product information ahead of time any more, and they also don't seem to need to do that kind of thing to generate hype and excitement for their products.


    *caugh*the word MacBook was leaked on the Apple site in May*/caugh*
    haha that was one llloooonngggg caugh :)

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  • BenRoethig
    Oct 2, 07:14 PM
    I'm surprised how many people are interpreting this wrong.

    The point of this is that Amazon can go to this new company and license Fairplay-compatable DRM. That way they can sell movies/music on their website (Unbox) and sell it with DRM that is iPod/iTV/iTunes Compatible.

    This could mean, for example, Napster could be iTunes/iPod compatible.

    Or Vongo (unlimited movie downloads $9.95/month) could be iPod compatible.

    Personally, I'm not sure how long it will go. Either Apple will shut them down (if legally capable) or simply start licensing Fairplay themselves and cut out the middleman (which could be an inadvertant positive result of this effort)


    [edit: as pointed out below, this is probably not possible]
    Microsoft licenses it so Zune can play iTunes Music/Movie store content. That could be a huge boost for Zune.


    Exactly my point. If windows iPod users could transfer their iPod media to Zune and Windows media player, it would be a huge plus for them. Remember, most iPod owners don't belong to the church of Mac. We already know they are more than willing to live outside accepted ethics if it suits them.


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  • vwcruisn
    Apr 5, 03:28 PM
    Probably, but as I am in the Marketing and Advertising business I will find this quite useful. Many of you are so quick to dismiss the usefulness of this App simply because you don't understand its true purpose.

    "doesn't apply to me so it's useless" mentality. guess the world revolves around them :p

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  • Johnny Depp#39;s Body Art

  • thejadedmonkey
    Aug 10, 08:54 AM
    I wonder if all of you people who are proposing a diesel/diesel hybrid are Europeans, because in America, diesel is looked at as smelly and messy - it's what the trucks with black smoke use.

    Furthermore, George Bush, arguably in the pockets of the oil co.'s, said "America is addicted to oil", and then went on to say how we should get rid of oil use. Not switch to more efficient fuels like diesel, but other tech. I'm sorry, but I just don't see America ever becoming a diesel nation again.

    As far as the Chevy Volt goes, I just don't like the name... but the price is right assuming they can get it into the high $20,000's rather quickly.


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  • Mac Marc
    Apr 25, 12:08 PM
    I seriously doubt Apple is going to change the screen size so slightly because it may require a lot of software re-writes (unless the apps are truly resolution independent).

    Perhaps, the screen only appears bigger because the borders will relatively shrink in the next generation????

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  • Santabean2000
    Oct 4, 07:08 AM
    This is the Mac mini of houses at best.

    Wow. Some of you really are hooked on the bigger is better buzz.

    Seriously, get out and see some of the world. Perspective people. The world is NOT just the US.

    Anyone tootin' on these forums (including myself) can consider themselves truly blessed.

    A Mac mini house..? Hardly. It's a mansion by any worldly measure.


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  • tribalogical
    Nov 23, 05:03 PM
    Would a US .Mac code bought now work in the UK in February? ;-)

    This is a "yes"...

    I subscribed to .mac while living in Japan, then moved back to the U.S.... there was no difference in the service, I just changed my address in the main account profile. As long as you pay, I think they don't care where you live... :P


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  • swarmster
    Apr 5, 03:52 PM
    Thanks for the passing insult however I think I was pretty clear that your use for it was one I hadn't considered and also a rare case that made this app actually useful. I apologize for recognizing your rare and interesting situation.

    I think you're missing the source of the issue here. The problem you and vast majority of people commenting here have is that anything that doesn't apply to you or interest you is met with hatred and ridicule. Instead of apologizing for overlooking the one use you consider acceptable, apologize for looking down on everything you don't understand and accepting that most things in life have applicability to someone.

    But hey, here's another example, from before your post:

    haha this is as lame as a tv station bringing out a half hour of the most "unique" and "fascinating" ads, wow.

    also, maybe if they were some good, funny ads it would be ok, but no. The ads shown in the pic are just "EAT MCRIB" and "MAYBELLINE"...

    This person doesn't realize that iAds aren't just a banner, but can actually contain some pretty complex and varied app-like content. Maybe if they downloaded this they'd learn something.

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  • Morod
    Mar 24, 06:52 PM
    As a switcher in I feel I have to give a big thanks to Microsoft and Windows Vista - after all, if Vista hadn't been so terrible, I might not have switched ;)

    Happy birthday OS X - here's to another 10 years!!

    +1 on this! even though I first started using Apple computers at work in 1994 with QuarkExpress 3.1.
    I don't remember which OS Apple used back in the mid-90s, but I will never forget the bitmapped "bomb" that would show up way too frequently!
    Thanks, :apple:, and Happy Birthday.

    Apr 6, 12:44 PM
    Build one. Metal trash can, insulation tubes that are used for heating inside the house, and a few other various parts...

    You'd pair food with a trash can? :confused:

    Maybe for you...


    Apr 17, 11:37 PM
    uh ok... "built in pdf reader... windows marketplace - providing users easy access to Windows applications." - never seen that in an operating system before...

    You mean like how Finder is finally adding cut and paste? Give me a break, there is plenty that Windows does that OSX does not do, like decent graphics support for one. It cuts both ways.

    Jan 12, 02:03 PM
    Just stupid.. I sure wouldn't invite them to my expo, but kids will be kids I guess..

    Mar 24, 03:26 PM
    I remember using the prerelease versions without an Apple menu (and a decorative Apple in the center).

    Oh, and does anyone remember Docklings?

    Chupa Chupa
    Sep 12, 06:55 AM
    If it's just Disney, then there's not much point. The reason iTMS succeeded from the start was that it was simple and it had the largest library from which you could purchase single songs. If the iTunes Movie store starts with just Disney movies, then it's dead in the water. Let's just hope that ThinkSecret is wrong again, as usual.

    Do you recall when iTunes launched the video store? The only TV shows were like 3-4 ABC shows + a few Disney Channel shows. I think you are underestimating the power of iTunes to drag studios along. Disney has a large library of titles, and not just Mickey Goes to Camp.

    But it's going to be HARDWARE that looms large if a movie store can be sucessfull, then pricing, then content. No WS iPod, and I think the sucess rate goes down dramatically. The majority of people have no desire to watch movies on their computer unless maybe on a laptop if they are travelling.