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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

adtr logo

adtr logo. adtr logo. #a day to remember #adtr #Alex; #a day to remember #adtr #Alex. RebootD. Mar 31, 05:24 PM
  • adtr logo. #a day to remember #adtr #Alex; #a day to remember #adtr #Alex. RebootD. Mar 31, 05:24 PM

  • mikelegacy
    Dec 13, 12:23 PM
    We can all dream right? I hope to god this is true. I need better service. To me, it'd be worth the $200 termination fee...

    adtr logo. adtr logo. #a day to remember #adtr #Alex; #a day to remember #adtr #Alex. chasemac. Aug 7, 05:07 PM. Time Machine won#39;t mean much when
  • adtr logo. #a day to remember #adtr #Alex; #a day to remember #adtr #Alex. chasemac. Aug 7, 05:07 PM. Time Machine won#39;t mean much when

  • leekohler
    Apr 25, 04:44 PM
    I won't watch the video because i'm faint of heart, i even had to close my eyes for half of American History X (everyone should watch that movie btw). But this is really messed up that the employees not only did nothing but encouraged it. I would have punched one of those nasty little teenage bitches in the face.

    I kind of wish I hadn't watched it. It's horrible.

    That's not fair. It's not the company's fault. It's called individual responsibilities and these employees should be fired.

    Oh hell yes, they should.

    adtr logo. adtr logo. #adtr #a day to remember; #adtr #a day to remember. Chris Bangle. Oct 14, 09:04 AM. Im hoping and I think that there will be a new ipod by
  • adtr logo. #adtr #a day to remember; #adtr #a day to remember. Chris Bangle. Oct 14, 09:04 AM. Im hoping and I think that there will be a new ipod by

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 29, 04:12 PM
    Hey wildcowboy, at least credit me for this article. :P

    adtr logo. (Sold my 96 Audi A4 2.8L 3 weeks ago. I must say, I do NOT recommend Audi engines, even though I had no problems.) adtr logo. apr , ptv adtr wcar bmth
  • (Sold my 96 Audi A4 2.8L 3 weeks ago. I must say, I do NOT recommend Audi engines, even though I had no problems.) adtr logo. apr , ptv adtr wcar bmth

  • Ger Teunis
    Apr 29, 03:15 PM

    adtr logo. undesigned #adtr #a day to
  • undesigned #adtr #a day to

  • the.snitch
    Jan 5, 08:53 PM
    Thanks arn, this is exactly what I wanted :)

    On keynote days, i generally set my homepage to the appleevents page, and make sure I dont go to any other sites that day. Then I just wander over to my local starbucks high speed hotspot in downtown auckland and watch the whole stream in H.264 :cool:

    I hate finding out what will be released until after i have seen the keynote - Its like someone killing a movie for you, by telling you the twists just before you go see it. This way it's fresh, and you listen to Jobs' every word with anticipation

    adtr logo. adtr logo. Adtr+wiki; Adtr+wiki. zacman. Apr 19, 03:18 PM
  • adtr logo. Adtr+wiki; Adtr+wiki. zacman. Apr 19, 03:18 PM

  • Sdevante
    Mar 17, 11:07 AM
    Retail theft is on the books everywhere and rooted in old common law. The States only vary on degrees (ie classes of misdemeanors).

    Not so. Where I am from (which I guess would be Chicago, Illinois, since I am the President), there is only one theft offense and nothing specific to retail. Under that statute, I'm not sure the OP would be subject to prosecution.

    I stand by my initial statement that one should not be so quick to make blanket statements.

    adtr logo. adtr logo.
  • adtr logo.

  • dsnort
    Aug 2, 07:06 AM
    Does anyone know what became of the constitutional challenge to the french iTunes law? I had read somewhere that the opposition party was trying to get the law overturned, haven't seen anything more about it since.

    adtr logo. adtr logo. prices on kroq Adtr+cd; prices on kroq Adtr+cd. bigandy. Sep 19, 06:12 AM. It#39;s going to happen, it#39;ll happen when it happens, and the only thing
  • adtr logo. prices on kroq Adtr+cd; prices on kroq Adtr+cd. bigandy. Sep 19, 06:12 AM. It#39;s going to happen, it#39;ll happen when it happens, and the only thing

  • Mad Mac Maniac
    Apr 21, 02:40 PM
    The voting on the front page has nothing to do with what's good for Apple. Sorry you've been deceived into thinking as much for so long, though.

    oh so Apple being sued isn't bad for Apple? and Apple sueing somebody isn't good for Apple because they are defending their patents? :rolleyes:

    adtr logo. adtr logo. A Day To Remember/Victory; A Day To Remember/Victory. Mattsasa. Apr 2, 07:26 PM. That#39;s funny.
  • adtr logo. A Day To Remember/Victory; A Day To Remember/Victory. Mattsasa. Apr 2, 07:26 PM. That#39;s funny.

  • Baadshah
    Apr 16, 09:29 AM
    I think this is original case of the forthcoming iphone, if you guys look at all apple products, they all are aluminum. And i strongly believe that the new iphone will also be aluminum. This one looks sexy.........

    adtr logo. adtr logo. HC 8GB CLASS 6 W/ADTR; HC 8GB CLASS 6 W/ADTR. rezenclowd3. Jan 3, 03:19 AM. Just picked up this on Saturday: (Sold my 96 Audi A4 2.8L 3 weeks ago
  • adtr logo. HC 8GB CLASS 6 W/ADTR; HC 8GB CLASS 6 W/ADTR. rezenclowd3. Jan 3, 03:19 AM. Just picked up this on Saturday: (Sold my 96 Audi A4 2.8L 3 weeks ago

  • TheWheelMan
    Mar 17, 05:10 PM
    Love this forum for a good laugh. Obviously the OP was wrong with what he did but love laughing at all the holier than thou responses. :D

    You mean like posting just to say "I'm laughing at you all?" Welcome to the "holier than thou club, buddy.

    adtr logo. adtr logo. ADTR AND AIDEN INTERVIEWED ON; ADTR AND AIDEN INTERVIEWED ON. partyBoy. Nov 28, 05:23 PM. One of the most UNDERrated gamesit is awesome
  • adtr logo. ADTR AND AIDEN INTERVIEWED ON; ADTR AND AIDEN INTERVIEWED ON. partyBoy. Nov 28, 05:23 PM. One of the most UNDERrated gamesit is awesome

  • lilo777
    Apr 25, 07:25 PM
    Same here. They can keep the iPhone 4 design for years and years. I love it. As far as a bigger screen, i don't really care either way. Give me dual-core A5, doubled RAM, and 64 GB, a better camera sensor, and i'm happy. I don't want 8 MP camera, just a 5 MP camera with a bigger/better sensor. :)

    Bigger sensor requires bigger lens and bigger lens requires bigger housing. With Apple, you are not going to get this. If you look for bigger sensor -check Nokia or Sony phones.

    adtr logo. adtr logo. Judas Cradle rip off ADTR? Judas Cradle rip off ADTR? plumbingandtech. Jan 13, 02:15 PM. quot;Macbook Airquot; was just reregistered on
  • adtr logo. Judas Cradle rip off ADTR? Judas Cradle rip off ADTR? plumbingandtech. Jan 13, 02:15 PM. quot;Macbook Airquot; was just reregistered on

  • twoodcc
    Aug 14, 04:20 PM
    well i added 2 more GPUs to my folding mix. i got a gtx 465 folding in the same rig as a gtx 260. it took awhile, but finally have them both folding with the gpu3 client. we'll see how it does

    adtr logo. adtr logo. ADTR supercharged Crown Vic; ADTR supercharged Crown Vic. bushman4. Apr 11, 10:00 PM. No IPHONE5 in june-july watch the
  • adtr logo. ADTR supercharged Crown Vic; ADTR supercharged Crown Vic. bushman4. Apr 11, 10:00 PM. No IPHONE5 in june-july watch the

  • kalsta
    Apr 30, 12:40 AM
    Thanks for the feedback on the preferences for the scrollbars, folks...I removed it from the article.

    You should have made mention of the edit in the actual article. I thought many of the early commenters were making things up until I realised they were just commenting on something from your original post.

    adtr logo. adtr logo. A Day To Remember; A Day To Remember. likemyorbs. Mar 18, 01:58 AM
  • adtr logo. A Day To Remember; A Day To Remember. likemyorbs. Mar 18, 01:58 AM

  • joeboy_45101
    Oct 28, 09:40 PM
    Oh ****! Thanks Apple! Now, how am I supposed to get Mac OS X to run on my old Linux box?

    adtr logo. Hi fellow ADTR fan.
  • Hi fellow ADTR fan.

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 26, 04:30 AM
    Woah at the end of that video why was she twitching really violently? She was flipping out, looks freaky :eek:

    adtr logo. A Day To Remember has become
  • A Day To Remember has become

  • mac-er
    Jan 12, 08:46 AM
    Steve wasn't smug. He's a good salesman.

    Plus, what you were seeing was his RDF...apparently you are impervious to it.

    adtr logo. adtr logo. Judas Cradle rip off ADTR? Judas Cradle rip off ADTR? twoodcc. Feb 20, 11:58 PM. congrats to sparky76 for 3 million points!
  • adtr logo. Judas Cradle rip off ADTR? Judas Cradle rip off ADTR? twoodcc. Feb 20, 11:58 PM. congrats to sparky76 for 3 million points!

  • marktwain
    Nov 24, 07:15 PM
    The Apple store onine and the retail stores are not offering double dicounts...you will have to choose the sale price OR your education / corporate discount. If you found a location that gives both, they aren't following the published guidelines. Good for you, but it doesn't mean the other locations will follow suite.

    adtr logo. adtr logo. Adtr+wiki; Adtr+wiki. gekko513. Jul 14, 10:08 PM. The pricing seems reasonable compared to the current
  • adtr logo. Adtr+wiki; Adtr+wiki. gekko513. Jul 14, 10:08 PM. The pricing seems reasonable compared to the current

  • Chone
    Mar 23, 06:16 PM
    Excellent! :)

    This is kind of a tricky situation... it's stealing, but if you allow it to happen you basically suck. :P

    When I last went home to visit parents, I found an open router called "linksys" and I connected to its conf page using the default login/password and changed the SSID to "open_router_please_hack_me" ;)

    Heh I know that will never happen to me, my walls are so thick, my neighbors walls are so thick and I have NO adjacent houses next to mine anyway... hell, the wireless signal barely gets to my room :D and even so I have it secured :)

    Back on topic rtdgoldfish, at least now you know that whoever stole your Xbox360 is near you and you'll probably get it back, even if a little late. Best of luck :)

    adtr logo. Neil-ADTR
  • Neil-ADTR

  • jaw04005
    Apr 9, 12:50 PM
    Some of it is copying, but it's good for consumers. The program packaging is because Microsoft is planning to release an App Store for Windows.

    I'm just glad Microsoft is focusing on consumer features in their operating system instead of just enterprise features. I hope they revamp Media Center with the Windows Phone UI and ditch Windows Media Player all together in favor of the Zune software (or turn WMP into a QuickLook-like application).

    As for Lion, I expect Apple is holding back some major features for WWDC. While Versions, AirDrop, Mission Control and Launchpad are all "tentpole" user features, there has to be more coming. I want desperately for Apple to create some type of iTunes sharing process so that iTunes doesn't have to run constantly to stream to home sharing devices. And why isn't AirPlay built into QuickTime X in Lion?

    Nov 26, 04:37 PM
    Printer shipped! Woohoo! :)

    Apr 9, 01:40 AM
    Probably knockoffs. Or as many here would say, the owner just wanted to get rid of them because no one wanted to purchase them :p
    It's really easy to spot fake beats when your scrutinizing them and especially if you have the box and accessories that come with it from the factory.
    Well it was kind of the second situation. My buddy was going to return these and I told him jokingly "Man I would so get those if they were $80." Next thing I know he said yes and gave me the bb receipt just in case I needed to exchange it (he just got it a week ago). We're good friends and he just wanted to try them out. He is pretty fiscally obese so he didn't mind letting him go for that price (he said it was a late bday gift lol. I couldn't pass it up.

    Aug 15, 01:17 AM
    I went into my local Apple store yesterday and they denied that there were even upgrades? WTF? I guess they want to sell off there current stock?

    New stock old stock?
    From all the reports I've seen so far, no one at Apple knows for sure what they are selling.
    Here's another report posted at Apple's Monitor forum dated August 10.

    I spoke with Apple today to determine what the deal was with the recently upgraded brightness and contrast specs for the 20" and 23" Cinema Displays. They indicated that the change was actually (quietly?) made back in April and that any monitor recently sold directly by Apple should be one of the newer models.

    Sep 12, 02:34 AM
    So what do people think the resolution will be, for the movies? They better be more than the current tv shows and videos.

    And honestly, I'd be upset if they only had higher resolution for movies, without upgrading the tv shows' as well.

    EDIT: also, anyone notice the convenient home release date of disney's The Wild, as tomorrow? I would be tempted to check the quality out with a CG flick, especially one I haven't seen, that coincidentally stars the vocal talent of Eddie Izzard.

    Oct 21, 04:24 AM
    Dividends, yes that would be a good idea, what with $10 billion in cash on hand. Microsoft finally decided that their cash horde was becoming a bit of an embarrassment and declared one.

    Microsoft only paid a dividend when their share growth stagnated.

    Apple on the other hand has had stellar share growth recently so there is really no need to pay dividends.