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Monday, May 30, 2011

taylor swift bangs hair

taylor swift bangs hair. taylor swift straight hair
  • taylor swift straight hair

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 16, 05:08 PM
    Yes, I do believe Merriam Webster is still up and running...

    This is no value to me, if you consider your position to be narrow-mind, and not an abomination, sorry...., affront.

    taylor swift bangs hair. Taylor+swift+straight+hair
  • Taylor+swift+straight+hair

  • dsnort
    Aug 2, 02:06 PM
    Stop being such asses and realise that proprietary DRM on music, video, pictures or digital books is a really, really, ridiculously stupid thing for consumers and society. I'd rather have no DRM, but if we have to, let's make it something that everyone can use.

    Also... this isn't being driven entirely by Apple. The content owners are as much, if not more to blame. We all need to start speaking up about this or we're going to REALLY regret it in a few year's time.

    That's just wrong on so many levels. I wish I had more time...

    taylor swift bangs hair. Taylor+swift+straight+hair
  • Taylor+swift+straight+hair

  • leomac08
    Jul 28, 01:26 PM
    That is true. I'm surprised nobody has brought even diesel based hybrids here yet. I recall hearing VW was planning on it, but I don't remember where I read that.

    The Audi A3 clean diesel TDI

    taylor swift bangs hair. Taylor Swift#39;s cute, casual
  • Taylor Swift#39;s cute, casual

  • ulbador
    Apr 26, 09:59 AM
    The point dejo was trying to make, is that you are missing a VERY basic Objective C (well, any language really) fundamental.


    - (void) cancelIt:(NSTimer*)timer

    does NOT create an object.

    It's simply a map to say "When I call this method, I will pass in an existing timer object". It is still your responsibility to allocate/initialize a timer and then pass that into your method. Simply using the selector as you are doing wouldn't accomplish this.

    At some point you would have to do something like:

    [self cancelIt:MyExistingAndValidTimerObject];

    taylor swift bangs hair. taylor swift straight hair with angs. taylor swift with straight; taylor swift with straight. lostprophet894. Apr 15, 05:16 PM
  • taylor swift straight hair with angs. taylor swift with straight; taylor swift with straight. lostprophet894. Apr 15, 05:16 PM

  • *LTD*
    Apr 23, 07:13 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)


    All you have shown is a deep-seated fear of advertising. And it's been stated that Apple doesn't actually collect this data, so it isn't even being used for iAds.

    How exactly, specifically, will this cell phone tower tracking info compromise your personal safety? What exactly is there to fear? There must be something more than targeted advertising, which is at best an annoyance you have to live with anyway.

    taylor swift bangs hair. Taylor Swift Curly Hairstyle
  • Taylor Swift Curly Hairstyle

  • ThE.MeSsEnGeR
    Apr 25, 12:00 PM
    Looks good, I've been holding out since my first-gen iPhone.

    ...hopefully we'll see a Summer or Fall release? :)

    Wow! You're patient!

    he's not the only one still boasting a first-gen iPhone! ;)
    I'm still lovin' it!

    taylor swift bangs hair. Taylor Swift hairstyle with
  • Taylor Swift hairstyle with

  • CalBoy
    Apr 14, 08:43 PM
    I do actually know the difference between causal and correlational relationships.... :D

    I will stand by my hypothesis that something that the TSA is doing is working to make hijackings less likely to happen in the USA.....

    Just because hijackings are down doesn't mean that TSA is actually working. Since 9/11 we've had a guy who got c4 into his shoe, another who lit his underwear on fire, and countless TSA tests have shown guns and other weapons make it through without much trouble.

    Our attempts at security are at best as good as Lisa's rock, and at worst much worse because they not only slow down travellers, curtail individual dignity, and cost billions, but also breed distrust and adversarial stances from the public that is supposed to be served.

    taylor swift bangs hair. Taylor+swift+straight+hair
  • Taylor+swift+straight+hair

  • Stella
    Mar 16, 08:55 AM
    LTD blurb:
    The entire industry is one big Apple "fanboi", bud. What Apple does, everyone else moves to copy or get it on. My "bubble" is the entire tech industry where it concerns the average user.

    This is nonsence. If the average user was interested in just Apple, then why are Apple on a lesser market share for pretty much... everything but MP3 players? How come Android is proving more popular?

    taylor swift bangs hair. Taylor Swift With Blunt Bangs
  • Taylor Swift With Blunt Bangs

  • rdowns
    Dec 13, 12:50 PM
    We can all dream right? I hope to god this is true. I need better service. To me, it'd be worth the $200 termination fee...

    If you really needed better service, you wouldn't be using an iPhone on ATT.

    I'm getting really tired of reading "iPhone on Verizon 4G after Christmas!" rumors on here. WHy is it that every time someone says "Oh, I've heard the iPhone's coming to Verizon in January," MacRumors puts it on the front page or Page 2? Are enough people so totally obsessed with the iPhone, they pee their pants if they don't hear a Verizon iPhone rumor every day/every other day?

    Where would you have MacRumors put it? Why do you think of others peeing their pants?

    taylor swift bangs hair. taylor swift and jessica
  • taylor swift and jessica

  • freddiecable
    Jan 13, 03:06 PM
    iPhone Nano is needed. 2.5" instead of 3.5" - making the footprint generally smaller. Many people does not want a PDA-phone. I love my iPhone - but would buy a 2.5" version if there was one.

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  • prom updos for long hair with

  • k8to
    Nov 17, 11:44 AM
    To software, AMD and Intel are compatable parts. They aren't identical, but most software won't care at all. So this wouldn't be a "switch" like IBM to x86. Nothing disruptive.

    The question is, of course, where is the lower-power AMD cpu. Tulatins are not _bad_ chips for power efficiency, but they're certainly bested by core 2 duo. The lack of any strong competition makes this rumour just that.

    taylor swift bangs hair. taylor swift straight hair
  • taylor swift straight hair

  • Russell L
    Sep 27, 02:22 AM
    For those of you running Aperture on a Mac Pro, did you notice the new RAM requirement on http://www.apple.com/aperture/specs/? It says "2GB of RAM required for Mac Pro." I've been running Aperture just fine on my new Mac Pro with the standard 1GB of RAM. Like many new Mac Pro owners, I've been holding off on upgrading the RAM until it gets a little cheaper. The 1.5 update installer better not refuse to install on my Mac because of insufficient RAM; I'll be pretty upset if it does. :(


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  • selena gomez curly hair with

  • leekohler
    May 5, 11:30 AM
    There is nothing wrong with a doctor talking to anyone about guns, as they can be a risk to health. That's like telling my doctor he can't tell me to use condoms if he asks if I'm gay, or that he can't tell me to do certain stretches before I play hockey, if he asks me about that. This proposed law is a load of crap. Asking people about activities they engage in are key to treating a patient.

    taylor swift bangs hair. Swift debuted her new look
  • Swift debuted her new look

  • MacinDoc
    Sep 12, 12:57 AM
    Disney is the 2nd largest media company in the world. I surely hope you don't think we're just getting Mickey Mouse and Daffy Duck movies. Here's just the movie companies that Disney owns:

    Walt Disney Pictures
    Touchstone Pictures
    Hollywood Pictures
    Miramax Films
    Buena Vista Home Entertainment

    I think that's quite a good start.

    I realize that, but there are more major studios that are not on that list owned by Disney than there are on the list. But maybe it will work out like the TV downloads have, as some have suggested, starting with just a few and adding more. The problem is, Apple does not currently dominate that market; there are other players right now that are equally strong with their video download services. It seems that the market seems to favor having a dominant player, like Windows for OS and iTMS for music downloads. This could leave the door open for Microsoft to dominate this market if Apple doesn't ramp up its selection quickly.

    taylor swift bangs hair. Taylor Swift new haircut
  • Taylor Swift new haircut

  • T-Will
    Apr 5, 05:21 PM
    I couldn't care less if you like the app or download it, what I <sarcasm>LOVE</sarcasm> is Apple's spin that this app is a "celebration of advertising". :rolleyes:

    taylor swift bangs hair. Do you prefer Taylor Swift
  • Do you prefer Taylor Swift

  • brianus
    Oct 17, 01:45 PM
    I was always under the impression that if you wanted to save something for that long your best bet would be to use some kind of tape archival system.

    Tape!?! :confused: who on earth uses tape anymore? This is.. 2006. And I was always under the impression that a medium with moving parts would be more prone to failure than one without. Certainly my VHS and cassette library have had their share of tapes being chewed up by the machine or worn out from use.

    I've always thought external hard drives would work fine, especially now that you can make SATA connections externally. You work from the external drive, when you're done you take it with you, no need to wait to burn. As far as backing up goes, that's just going to take a long time no matter which way you do it (unless it's like that Time Machine stuff, which is always going on, and uses a hard drive), and for me, I'd rather back up a whole drive at a time, which would require more space than a disc would provide.

    External drives are *not* long term archiving solutions. They are useful for storing vast amounts of data that presumably you want to actually access and use (and possibly modify) on a regular basis; also, they are good for the kind of incremental backups you refer to, Time Machine, Retrospect, other 3rd party backup tools can be used for this. But if you have important files you know aren't going to change, while having them on HDD is useful for instant access, that's not where they should be permanently archived -- they should be burned to a permanent medium, preferably more than one copy, and stored in a safe place (or places). If your drive fails and you still need the data to be on that drive, you can then restore from the permanent medium.

    taylor swift bangs hair. Taylor Swift Straight Hairstyle with Bangs Taylor Swift Straight Hairstyle Taylor Swift straight hair with angs look radiant and gives her a
  • Taylor Swift Straight Hairstyle with Bangs Taylor Swift Straight Hairstyle Taylor Swift straight hair with angs look radiant and gives her a

  • nli10@mac.com
    Jan 9, 06:24 PM
    i'm 1:40 in - only one glistch and it ironed itself out.

    Full Screen QT FTW :)

    & I love all the stuff so far. :D


    Just finished - felt shorter than the 1:56 running time. Glad I waited for video - as we all knew it makes everything much clearer. Keep trying on those links if you can't get it - as Europe sleeps they will onloy get faster - night!

    taylor swift bangs hair. Taylor Swift
  • Taylor Swift

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 26, 10:19 AM
    You're not a skinny girl. Being attacked like that typically puts one into a state of shock especially if one doesn't have the fight/flight response of a typical male.

    He is a male, just like me, I can't believe you don't understand that...

    He thinks he is female which is a whole other thing

    That's nice. IMO, your opinions are worthless. You're just looking to stir **** up. As I said, your act is wearing thin.

    I bolded a key word in your quote. IMO

    I'm not looking to stir anything up, so stop insinuating.

    Just because I have a different opinion from you doesn't justify your annoying statement, "your act is wearing thin"

    Really guy? I could care less about what you think so stop -__-

    taylor swift bangs hair. Taylor Swift got angs
  • Taylor Swift got angs

  • dunk321
    Mar 17, 01:24 AM
    JohnnyQuest chill out man you sound worse then my Dad growing up as a kid. Just telling a story, and sorry for my grammar must be that UCF education I paid for. Go to the fridge and bust open a bottle of that hater-aid or better yet, go get laid. Since you obviously seem pretty stressed over the story. Who are you anyway? Judge Jury and Executioner? Please

    Apr 15, 01:40 PM
    hmm hmm hmm - this is clearly Maxwell Render (http://www.maxwellrender.com/gallery/gallery.php) image. Exactly the same style. sry guys, no a(luminium)Phone.

    Nov 18, 05:32 PM
    I don't see why AMD and Intel OSX laptops can't live together... We all see the windoze users have their choice of AMD or Intel, dual cores or single cores... why can't Apple/OSX?

    As for the G5 ibook/powerbook, well judging by the way the G5 iMac was built, then frankly, I don't see why a G5 laptop could not of been built. The current line of iMacs practically IS a notebook on a vertical stand so they could of put it in a notebook form. Besides, how do we know the G5 iBook does not exist?

    I mean besides from the fact that "unless Mr. Jobs says it exists, it does not exist" logic. :p

    Come on folks, there has to be a LOT of stuff in the R&D labs of Apple that we will never know of or see because of a change of the Master Plan of Steve Jobs:

    "Don't exist" is a reference to their production status. I think that we can be pretty sure that there has never been (and will never be) a G5 PowerBook or iBook in production. As to what they had in their labs, who knows. They may (and probably do) have OS X running on every type of processor that they can get their hands on, right now. They may have tablets and PDAs and Phones, oh my! But that's the territory for rumors and speculation, and that's not what we're about here... oh, wait... ;)

    It may well be true that Apple could have produced a G5 PowerBook following the design model used for the iMac, but you'd end up with a PowerBook that was many inches thick (the current 17" C2D iMac is 6.8 inches thick), versus the previous G4 PowerBook, which was a mere 1 inch thick. It would never have sold in the quantities that would have justified producing it.

    As for Intel and AMD together, sure, eventually, maybe. The reason that it would be a mistake at this point is that Apple has a relatively small market, and so it needs to keep a clean product line. Muddying the water of what Apple is offering would only hurt Apple sales, at this point.

    Jan 12, 02:19 PM
    Giz are just a bunch of prats. They want to play like a punk outfit fine, make music then and forget reporting tech stuff. grow up and buy a shaver.

    Oct 2, 03:01 PM
    So when will Real be dead? I have a feeling that after our inevitable nuclear war, it'll just be cockroaches, twinkies and them. At least they'll be in good company.

    Reverend Wally
    Nov 16, 01:03 PM
    Consider that Apple, Intel, and AMD are IT developers and always expanding and inventing new pathways. AMD is not asleep, and neither is Intel, and frankly, Apple, being the Rolls Royce of computers would not impose limits on their capabilities. Maybe we will not see an AMD Apple real soon, but these people are on the leading edge, and I cannot imagine that the engineers do not think in this direction. IF Apple does go that way it will be for a very good and valid reason.


    Meanwhile, let's enjoy our Rolls Royce type computers without trying to turn them into Lamborghinis
