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Thursday, June 30, 2011

tea leoni

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  • lazycis
    02-13 10:34 AM
    Lazycis, Some year back Rajiv did file class action lawsuit. It costed him 1/4 millions + dollars of efforts.

    1/4 of a million is not millions. That's why I am suggesting to consult Rajiv first and make a decision based on his feedback. I think we all agree that initial consultation won't break the bank. I based my estimates on EAJA awards. We need to be aware though that we won't be able to recoup the cost of class action because it usually ends up with settlement.

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  • HumJumboHathuJumbo
    09-23 03:05 PM
    why not ask for citizenship if we buy 2 houses?. I will even buy that toxic debt from banks, if i get citizenship and a gori.

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  • soma
    02-12 10:52 PM
    how abt IV core leading us here or how abt murthy and other IV supporters who are immigration lawyers too.

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  • David Duchovny, Tea Leoni

  • Mr. Brown
    08-16 12:41 AM
    The question doesn't arise because he is SRK or APJ or in future Manmohan singh. The point is does it take TWO HOURS to find the identity of the person. How did you feel when you were questioned for an hour at the POE even after staying here for 9 years and stay in US legally and paying taxes etc.. can't they have better immigration procedures in place to identify legal from illegal (LIKE biometric finger printing, etc). They have this sophisticated computer information network.. if you give your SSN they can find any data they want.. about your employer, about your pay roll, your taxes etc.. then why this delay at POE to idenfity geniune people from entering US. These actions look totally racist to me. Don't you think these (US) people know how to improve this system.. they can but there is no will to do so.. Just look at priority dates how they swing +5 years to -5 years every year (2000 to 2005). It looks like someone just picks any year between 2000 to 2005 based on his mood. Can't this developed country have a software system to predict visa number availability or to predict how the dates should advance and by how much... this is want really sucks.. this so called developed country doesn't have a system in place for immigration issues.. Just look at the people who got their green cards who's priority dates were 2006 and people from 2002 or 2003 are still waiting.. how can their system (software) allow people with older dates to wait while someone with PD 2006 get their GC.. Things can be better managed and controlled with total transperancy but there is no WILL to do so.. i am not sure if IV can play any role in pushing some reforms to have a better system in place. There was another thread discussing about IO officers visting to employee office to find geniune applications and for more details.. this is simple waste of money and resources with SSN can give you almost 90% of the details.... overall the frustration is about the System and not about SRK or APJ.

    While proponents would mask this whole backlog issue as something purposefully done by the "system" I don't buy it. It is a proven disaster.

    As far as the software goes clearly their programmers suck. They sure could use some help from the more efficient H1B's.


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  • ingegarcia
    10-10 08:59 AM
    This is half truth.
    Tn1 to GC is legally possible but once your GC application (I140 and/or I 485) is pending, your TN1 cann't be renewed. If your dates are current, you can apply I 140 and 485 concurently and get EAD, while you hold TN1. Once you get EAD, you don't have to worry about renewal of TN. Here you need to manage possible two risks; You must get EAD before next TN renewal, and by chance, if I 485 deny, you have no back up and must return to Canada.

    Current retrogression, it is not possible to go from TN1 to GC.

    My PERM labor, I 140 approved and I 485 is pending since more than 12 months. I was confident and took calculative risk.

    Thanks for the information. :D

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  • NolaIndian32
    10-28 01:30 PM
    Can Nixtor or IV Core share some updates on the status of this idea/project.


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  • Tea Leoni attending The 7th

  • Ramba
    03-31 06:02 PM
    A person who assists in the murder of people whom he has taken an oath to protect, cannot be really thinking about the country or for its development. By saying that HE is responsible for the development is clearly under estimating the capabilities of the gujrati people. The gujratis and rajasthanis are leaders in creating wealth and they did that for thousands of years successfully with world's envy before this ugly Indian came into picture. With your logic fodder eating Lalu is the smartest politician ever born....remember his $20Billion revenue he is bringing in from railways....never heard of from any sector...leave alone the ever losing railways...the only thing lalu can be given credit for is...not stopping the elite civil services managing directors and the academia (IIM, ISB) from doing their work...which they have been trying to for several decades....so I dont think the theory is right that one person (call him black spot of India) had done something....when each individual in the state is born with the blood which carries enterpreneurship.....kudos to all gujaratis....

    Well said. It is similar to Bill Clinton takes credit for revolution in IT area. It is all time. Gujarat prospered becuse of successful bussiness minded people. Growth was aided by high demand for export. I agree with you that though a guy has a great leadership skills, commanding speech, great administartive and management skills, if he commited/aided the crime, he has no right to hold the office. See the Alska Senator..He was one of the most successful politician and elected many times from alska for Senate. Now he is in jail at his very old age, just becuse he got money from oil comapines to renovate his house.

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  • David Duchovny and Tea Leoni

  • jchan
    05-29 03:18 PM
    Well, I think the discussion is about people playing by rules are getting pushed back by those exploiting loopholes.

    Some members were trying to say we should not fight fraud because the root cause is insufficient visa number (and country quota). While he was right about the root cause, that does not mean we can't do the two things at the same time.

    See what happened to H1B when USCIS acted seriously about fraud? Most of the fake 'employers' or those applying H1B only to rotate people in the US got the message and really thought twice before they file a case. Result: two months from 04/01, there are still 20k H1B quota left. And this didn't even need any legislative change.

    What if USCIS starts scrutinizing EB1 cases for multi national executives? In no time they will find 50% of employee from an Indian IT firm are executives. This is not hard -- by common sense a very very small portion of employee are executives.

    Someone said we would do the same if in their position. Well they didn't know some people do have a line of morality. I am from China. There are many ways to apply refugee being a Chinese -- one child policy, Fa Lun Gong, etc. Yet I refused to do that and most of my countrymen didn't.

    If you didn't have patience to read every word of my reply, what I wanted to say is, fighting fraud and advocating more visa numbers are not mutual exclusive. We do not have to unite those who get their Green Card by fraud, because our interest are not the same with theirs.

    Can not agree more.

    We get engaged in all kinds of discussions EB1 Vs EB2, EB-I Vs EB ROW. bulletin predictions...But we all skilled immigrants can not figure out how to unite and resolve the big issue of backlog. When one person suggests any initiative( flower campaign, call campaign, letter campaign etc.) more 20 people hammer him or her and spend their full energy in proving how suggested idea will not work. Next time the guy does not even think about suggesting anything. On top of that some will come up with their line" Have you contributed, If not then do that first".Our lack of unity will keep us here for a long time to come. In coming months and years, some people will lose interest, stop visiting this site and move on. Others will come to see if there is any POSITIVE news and some will still keep fighting over the issues of EB1 vs EB2 vs India vs China Vs ROW.

    Good Luck


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  • NNReddy
    06-15 07:52 PM
    I am certainly hoping that I will get by EOY 2011. It's more than hope, I feel pretty confident that by that time I should get it. Just mark my words, come back on dec 31, 2011 and check with me. You have to believe before you get it. Have faith guys. Sooner or later the man who wins is the one who thinks he can!!!!

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  • jkays94
    05-25 12:13 PM

    you are much better of in india if you cant get GC in the US.

    If you have a US education or in the alternate the right qualifications you should have no problem getting a stable well paying job in Canada. Its similar to a Doctor coming to the US but not taking USMLE but still expecting to get hired at the same level they were in their home country. I know of non-American friends with US undergrad degrees in Toronto making $95k+. With the Canadian dollar having recently surpassed the US dollar, the value of their pay is even greater now than it was before. If the folks in notcanada.com swallowed their pride used their PR status to get their qualifications up to par with Canadian requirements they would not waste so much time complaining. Its akin to having a car, having the keys, knowing you need to go from A to B, but complaining about the rough road as your number one excuse for not getting there. Those stuck here in GC limbo are in a similar boat, they have the car, they don't mind the rough road, they know how to drive but simply don't have the keys to get in the car in the first place. Bottomline is if one can't make it in Canada it would be difficult for them to make it anywhere else except their home country and the US (where things are relatively easy hence the now disappearing "land of opportunity" as things get tough with the misguided bill)


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  • chanduv23
    07-04 11:21 AM

    We are still working on the proper approach and text that must be used to address this issue - folks like Macaca and gang are doing a great job.

    That said - please be careful in the language you use. Let us not bad mouth the agencies and keep cheast beating - remember such a thing will work against us. We are benefeciaries and we must only focus on our issues and also convey the message in a positive way.

    In external discussion forums - do not get offensive with anyone who tries to oppose us. These things work against us.


    If any of you plan to post any external messages or discuss externally or communicate with law makers, media or other websites or even your friends are planning to do it - please run it through Macaca and other forum gurus.

    Have a great holiday - today.

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  • gc28262
    06-12 12:40 AM
    People need to understand that you need to give some to win some. I would like to propose to IV a kind of proposal that would be a win win for both the immigrants and the US.
    .................................................. .................................................. ..............
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    Don't tell us you are trying to save america for americans ( now that you are going to be a citizen)

    You are just trying to close the door behind you.
    You think Grassley bill is good for everyone. Yeah sure it is good for you !

    You have begun to think like loosers guild( aka programmers guild)

    You claim the fittest will survive and you don't need any luck to survive. However you had your round of layoffs too. That is a fact of american job market. Luck does play a lot in people's lives especially here in US. I have heard of an IBM engineer who was laid off during 2001 recession. He had 2 patents under his belt. So nobody is immune to luck factor.

    Now that you have become a GC holder and soon going to be a citizen, you are so much worried about the wage levels and and L1 visas. You are ok with H1Bs because you were on H1B earlier in your life.

    Did you ever worry about depressing citizen's wages when you were on H1B ?

    It is one thing to be so self centered, another to say it aloud on a prospective immigrant's forum like IV.

    BTW america is the best place to do business. If you feel threatened by more work force entering USA, become an entrepreneur like Vivek Wadhwa, not a loser like Ron Hira.

    Aren't we Indians a bunch of crabs !


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  • kuhelica2000
    02-16 11:34 AM
    My friend, writing in bold font doesn't make your argument bolder. An argument is bold by the underlying merit of the argument. Where did I mention anything about race?

    Even if I had said that there is fraud and corruption in India, it would not be considered as a racist comment. Every year Transparency International generates a list of most corrupt nations. Ever wonder why India is on that list. Ever wonder why out of all places only in India US visa officers are instructed to do technical interview for IT visa applicants? You are living in complete denial and trying to play the race card whenever you get an opportunity.

    Fraud and corruption is prevalent everywhere incuding India and a prepondernece of the bodyshops are nothing but a factory of producing overnight "IT Talents". Accept this is as one of the problem of this retrogression.

    You are accusing people from India for using wrong credentials for picking up H1b/L1 jobs. This is ridiculous and pretty racist.

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  • small2006
    08-18 06:41 PM
    You are so wrong here...its not about growing balls or Americans getting frisked in Indian airports.

    It is SRK's BIG EGO that was hurt, the fact that the officer did not "recognize" SRK - the "king khan" and made him go through a rough ordeal. That is all it is about. And to me SRK has never been an honest human being. It is all a put on appearance, whether its in his movies or real life. He is very measured and guarded when talking to the media and presents his affable side. So get over it and look at the incident for what it is - i.e, SRK's big ego burst open. Its not about American security or Indian security or racial profiling. Everyone is just trying to make it out to be that but you need to be able to see thorugh that.

    When a person of Dr Kalam's stature did not even talk about his experience with Continental until months later, who the heck is SRK to make it out to be such a big deal? What is his achievement and/or contribution to the country after all? Making loads of money? Buying houses in London and Dubai?? Give me a freakin' break.

    simply racial profiling.

    i dont think SRK is over reacting.. many desis who are accepting that its a way of life suffer from "Slave Mentality".

    When was the last time.. a US diplomat or US socialite was frisked and detained for 2 hrs in indian airports?

    To all the jocks who argue "its part of life"..my advise grow some balls and realize one thing.. no matter how long u live here.. no matter whether u have GC or PC...u will always be treated like third class citizens.

    In the end its the color.. do you know beta.

    for the record.i am no SRK fan.

    Mamooty.. who is he?


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  • BharatPremi
    07-11 12:46 PM
    The criticisms of this website are LAUGHABLE. The Economist's quality of life index has rated Canada and Australia the top countries on earth to live in, overwhelming, year after year after year after year!

    Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Melbourne, Sydney and Perth consistently dominate the top 10 cities in the world to live. 6 of the top 10?

    Having spent enormous amounts of time in both those countries I can tell you they are wonderful, sensible places to live.

    The index takes into account, cost of living, earnings capacity, safety, etc.

    Canada probably has one of the most rosey futures on earth. It has an abundance of resources, a tiny population and ironically, global warming is adding to its opportunities. Both countries have avoided a single year of recession since 2000, are likely to benefit for ever-higher walls to migrants in the US, and on top of that, both governments continue to operate under surplus budgets.

    Cost of living is actually far below that in places like NY and California.

    Health care, while not top notch, provides better care on average to more people than is likely to be found in places like the US. Particularly for people that are older and more likely to need it.

    Education is infinitely better. US Public schools are atrocious.

    As for the weather, well duh! :) The weather in Minnesota, Chicago, New York and Detroit wasn't that much better last time I looked! And Vancouver is mild and stunning.

    Yes, taxes are higher. How do you think these things are paid for? If you think it's a dog eat dog and you think that the state shouldn't provide education and healthcare, then that's fine. Canada and Australia just aren't for you!

    Anyway, both countries have advantages. I love the U.S. and that's why I'm here. But don't let an inarticulate and unfounded set of ridiculous statements turn you off. Do you own research and make the choice that is right for you!

    Well then what are you doing here in USA? Why you are not in Canada, Australia or wherever the f@@k you think is good and better than USA?

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  • Caliber
    09-04 01:27 PM
    I am not any of these. I bet you guys .. $million

    Go to your postings in this thread and read what you wrote in "Brain Damage". You wanted to distribute sweets??? How do you feel when YS Jagan grabs what you have in your village? You were supporting them so much, why not advice them to return 10,000 acres of land that he grabbed for Brahmani Steels? Jesus Christ killed YSR, otherwise, they would have grabbed all your village. Be happy, Jesus took him away.


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  • greensignal
    09-23 02:43 PM
    can somebody PM me the message and email addresses to send.

    Thank You!

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  • chanduv23
    08-17 12:24 PM
    It looks like a lot of "so called educated folks" are PROBABLY JELOUS :) :) of Mr SRK.

    No matter what - he is a capable man and I appreciate him for whatever he is.

    If he is not doing anything to reduce poverty in India - well then it is his choice, but you can definitely let him know "Mr SRK please use your popularity in a good way and reduce poverty and disease in India"

    Folks - all the starts do have "value" When I say stars - they are public figures, right from mucisians to television anchors to actors or ramp models or anyone - they are what they are because of their destiny, so just because they cannot code or hold a sthethescope, does not mean they are bad.

    In fact The then president of the US applauded 'Bill Pullman" for his fascinating speech in the Independence Day movie claiming he did something marvellous.

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  • vrbest
    07-11 08:18 AM
    Not sure if it was answered anywhere for similar situation..

    Here is my situation. I would like to see my options:

    1) I am on H1B (7th year and got extended for 3 yrs) and applied 485, received EAD from company A (140 approved).
    2) Applied 485 for wife and kid and got EAD last July.
    3) Category is EB3-I PD of Apr 06.
    4) Though I was eligible for EB2 (13 yrs exp before joining company A) becas of Company A (they decided not to open EB2 position at that time). I was forced to go to EB3.
    5) I am getting offer from my client and my company has agreed me to support. but client won't do H1 so I have to use EAD
    6) in this case, can I get a another company (for future employment) to file for my GC on EB2? Will they be able to do it without H1 to them?
    7) if so what would be the implications?

    Thanks in advance!

    09-22 06:11 PM
    Hello Friends,

    I am going through a wierd situation with my GC process. Not that the EB3 PD is retrogressed but a different one. Silly it sounds. Please help me in making a right decision. Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

    EB3 category.
    PD : April 15,2003.
    Labor: approved.
    I-140: approved.
    I-485: Only registered the application,FP done. Not applied for EAD,AP and others as I was not married at the "All gates open time in 2007"

    My Wierd Situation / Issue: I was not married at the time when all categories were current in Jul/Aug 2007 and so I had only applied for myself for the application to register for 485 process (Main application), submitted my medicals, Submitted my DOB certificates and completed the 485 adjustment of status registration. I got married at the end of 2007 and got my all Finger Prints completed in December 2007. Now my wife is here on H4 and dont know if I should keep continue my 485 just to keep the file active or wait untill my PD is current (NO HOPES may be in my next life as it is EB3) and apply along with my wife. PLEASE help me with your valuable suggestions. I just want to be safe because I have been working here for 10 years on H1B visa and tired of this immigration rules and litigations.

    09-23 01:20 PM
    Leave it to us 'Skilled' folks to shred an idea before implementing it. What is the harm in mailing out a letter. We tend to focus on bringing out the negatives and keep discussing issues till the train passes us by.

    The bailout plan is a short window of opportunity, what is wrong in sending out some emails, we are not the only ones doing this there are hundreds of organizations trying to get their word in edgewise.

    (I for one am even willing to write a proposal to 'buy' a GC, if EB applicant is waiting for more than 5 yrs since his/her PD, they can pay 10-15 grand to fast track application irrespective of the fact that the PD is current or not. USCIS stands to make 2 billion. I prefer paying 10k to uscis instead of the yearly drain towards my lawyers SLK.)

    Anyways the point i am trying to make is that for this particular issue send out the letter, ask others to do the same and then discuss the merits of the letter. As the moderator mentions the window of opportunity is very small. Since you will be sending out your own letters, you can include any text to include current home owners or include only US educated or only EB 2 I etc ;)

    well said sayantan..

    This whole idea of linking GC to probable purchasing homes..is insane!
    it stops short of black mailing...