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Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • thepaew
    12-13 04:49 PM
    Last I checked, the US was a sovereign country and is not under the jurisdiction of any international court. It is not even a member of the ICJ and this issue is not covered under WTO. Good Luck. :-)

    Yes, we should explore this more

    1) Whether we can really challenge this into US SC within US Constitutional

    2) Whether we can really challenge this into International Courts?

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  • amsgc
    12-13 10:08 PM
    It is surprising to me that some, so called high skilled, folks can be so blinded by their desire to get the green card that they are unable to see right from wrong.

    Never mind the pain of those affected by this inequitable system, or if this is technically legal, or whether it can be challenged in court. Think about what you are condoning – an unjust government policy that presumably works for you, now. By advocating an unfair policy today, in the long run you are undermining your own position as an immigrant in this country.

    You seem to be crying out loud - “I am a high skilled foreigner, but I am different, different from them! Look, look at my color, texture, please look at my passport. Oh no fuck that, please look at my place of birth. Skills? Yes we all have them, but let’s not get distracted. I am different - will you please look at my birth certificate, please?”

    Oh I hear ya. But all said and done, you will still be a foreigner to the average Joe on the street, even after you get your green card or naturalization papers. And if things go south, then those unethical policy makers, whom you give a pass today, will find a way to get you – and yes, that birth certificate will come handy. It is important to be united, and stay united.

    To say that the United States has the right to make any law with respect to immigration doesn’t make an unjust law right. Presumably you are well educated and can understand this. And speaking of education – was it your degree or birth certificate that you took to your job interview that set this process in motion? It is counter intuitive to have such a provision where, to begin with, it is your skills that enabled you to get in line.

    Apart from the resounding racial undertone, this policy is also harmful for the society at large. It encourages people to be conscious about their origins, be aware of their differences and the whole idea of America being a melting pot just goes down the toilet.

    I understand it is difficult for some to fight this unfair system, because first you may have to fight and win against your basic instincts. It is hard for us, but this attitude may make things harder for you in the future.

    Lets stay united and open minded, and fight for a fair system.

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  • PR1978
    08-04 01:57 PM
    Thank You very much for the reply. As I mentioned in my previous post I have a (EB2) I-140 from TSC for which I got the approval email from CRIS in May 2007. I have the Receipt Notice for this I-140. I do not have the Approval Notice for this I-140. On the Receipt Notice the Beneficiary name is my name and the Petitioner name is my company name. I called TSC and to my surprise they have a different Beneficiary and Petitioner name on the Approval Notice. My attorney even called and he too was surprised by what the IO told him. My attorney/company HR never received any Approval Notice so we were not aware of this till now. Can you please give me any insights as to how this could happen and also what I can do to get this resolved from USCIS. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • tikka
    07-04 12:22 AM
    lets focus on this one..
    http://digg.com/politics/U_S_Withdraws_Offer_of_60_000_Job_Based_Visas_Ange ring_Immigration_Lawyer/who

    the faster it gets to 100 DIGS the popular the article will be. Will help give our issue exposure

    thank you !!

    and counting.....


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  • mirage
    04-01 03:59 PM
    It doesn't cost you anything to make promises, also people are used to being ditched by politicians, so they don't complaint. I guess mostly people feel satisfied by just getting the glimpse of you if you are a celeberity, otherwise why would anybody vote for Sanjay Dutt(thank God Supreme court banned him) ? Govinda, Dharmendra, Jayapradha have proved to be worst MPs for their constituencies...Mirage, thanks for the correction..

    wondering what he is going to promise to people of Moradabad !?!

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  • Green_Always
    08-16 03:52 PM
    By taking on this subject we are providing good coverage for SRK and talking negative about US Immigraiton we are making them corrupt we should not put pressure on them ( US Immigration ) let them do there duty.

    By putting pressure and talking about all these and getting influence from Obama and all is wrong our Indian govt and policies are corrupt and we are pushing these people there now by doing all these things.

    Let us look at our future and Jobs over here. Let SRK resolve his headache himself.

    Note -- I am not against SRK, I like him and I am fan of him and have seen his movies multiple times and I have full respect to him.

    my 2 cents.


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  • gsc999
    07-24 05:43 PM
    Just amazing. No wonder e'one thinks this is an Indian forum.

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  • jayleno
    07-21 01:49 PM
    This discussion is a lot fun guys.

    I hate these Amway and Quickstar guys with a passion. They are total losers. Though I dont have much to add to what others said before on this thread, I just want some Amway/Quickstar person to see this thread and realize what people of think of them. Doesnt matter I guess. Those guys are shameless and thickskinned.

    Chanduv23, couldn't have said it better. These days, like you said, I too feel very conscious of talking to Desi people who I meet at the public places.

    Some tips I collected after meeting at least 10 Quickstar jokers in the last few years. At some point I was suspecting if I was a Qucikstar magnet. :)

    Common pick up lines for them are:
    1) I have seen you some where
    2) I'm new to the area and I'm looking for a new roommate/place to live.
    3) Nice car/phone. How do you like it? I'm/my-wife-is thinking of buying exact same thing.
    4) If seen at a Desi store, what movie do you suggest?

    After some converstaion like what do you do etc, bang comes the question "How do you like to make some extra money after work?". Thats when you have to pick up your cell phone and answer some imaginary call and ignore the person.


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  • hazishak
    02-15 10:48 PM
    I beleive that there should be more representation of people from other countries in desi companies, but when more number of desis apply for jobs. Is it any fault of the company is they are hiring only them?.

    In other words, they dont mind getting screwed by desi company.

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  • hopefull
    05-25 12:28 PM

    Its blatant racism here. THe population is aging and the government makes a big chunk of money via immigration fees.


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  • ebizash
    07-27 02:18 PM
    I get good monthly checks every month (more then $115), and they don't seem to bounce either. And good thing it increases. Don't need to google anything while I can get from credible sources.

    Good luck then!! I really hope that you get to go to Peter Island one day..

    By the way I realized while reading your reply that I had made a typo in my original message. The disclaimer claims that the average IBO makes $115 a YEAR not month.

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  • jonty_11
    06-28 06:16 PM
    Visa Bulletin April 2007
    PD for Other workers category was 01 Oct 2001


    Employment-based: It is likely that the Employment Third Preference �Other Worker� (EW) category will become unavailable beginning in May.

    Both of these issues are the direct result of low annual limits and very heavy demand for numbers, primarily for adjustment of status cases at Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices.

    Visa Bulletin for May 2007
    PD for Other workers category was U (unavailable)


    The Employment Third Preference �Other Worker� category is expected to reach the annual numerical limit during April. As a result, the category will become �Unavailable� beginning in May and will remain so for the remainder of FY-2007.

    Visa Bulletin for June 2007
    PD for Other workers category was 01 Oct 2001


    A few �Other Worker� numbers which had been allocated for April were returned unused at the end of the month. As a result, a very small June allocation has been possible, for applicants with priority dates before October 1, 2001. The category will become �Unavailable� once again beginning in July and will remain so for the remainder of FY-2007.

    So the VB does in fact indicate that there is only a "small June allocation" possible.
    This is positive info..
    At least nothing like this was posted for EB2/3 categories.....fingers crossed.


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  • unitednations
    02-14 04:00 PM
    The entire discussion by EB3-ROW guys want to preserve those recaptured unused numbers in 2000 only for EB3-ROW for ever. As I mentioned earlier, the purpose of that recapture is to eliminate backlog in 1999. India and China were only the two countries backlogged at that point. USCIS could do that job only in 2005. You guys want a controlled allocation of recaptured numbers for years and years with the simple intension of EB3-ROW always should be current. I understand that urge. However, you guys forget the reality. EB3 demand is huge due to 245i. The real demand for EB2 always very less. (The real demand for EB2 is when EB3 were current). Now everyone is going to EB2. I feel that is the reason why EB2-India and China getting penalized as DOS took the law in their own hand. Now EB2 guys are victimized. Do not blame India and China took more numbers. The real fact is EB3-ROW is enjoying with the expense of EB2.

    Furthermore all this mess is due cumulative results allowing 245i without increasing visa numbers (this is major one), failure of DOL in processing LC in time, USCIS inefficiency, dealy in processing 485 due to 911, abuse in labor substitution, abuse of massive filing of GC by body shoppers with out a bonafide permanent positions or ability to pay, opening a firms in fast labor processing states just to file GC etc. The list for this mess is end less. No one wants to fix that. If they fix everything, there will be less demand for EB3 visas. Furthermore some thing can not be fixed. One can not request/litigate DOL or USCIS to process the LC or 485 fast. Therefore, everyone in EB3 has to wait. Other option is to educate the law makers the problems due to this mess to fix those. Everyone wants CIR/SKIL bill and no one wants to fix the current system and abuse. So, one has to wait, wait, wait..

    I have come across many people in the last few years from all sorts of countries. Russian, Korean, African, British, Brazilian, Colombian, etc,; although everyone wants their greencards yesterday; it appears to me that the indian nationals are the most hungry for it. It is a generalization but I am just speaking from my experience on this.

    How do you know what the "intention" was of the lawmakers that recaptured visas are supposed to go to the retrogressed countries. If that was the case they would have gotten rid of the 7% limitation along with the recapture.

    Most people who come on h-1b are Chines and indian. There was also close to 200,000 visitor visas approved in 2005 from India. Makes sense because there is a lot of population there. However; it would be short sited to think that there are minimal 245i applicants from India. There actually is a very large number of them. The biggest status violators are people who come on visitor visas from non visa waiver countries. The status violators either get greencard through marriage or through 245i.

    Although as a business person I look at skill rather then nationality; I do know enough about immigration that there is a good purpose behind country limits. Foreign nationals will prefer their own people for h-1b; they will look for their friends, cousins, brothers, sisters, wives, relatives, etc. and bring their own country people here. Therefore, it is not an "open market" on skill people from all parts of the world. The country quota is the equalizer because of this.

    The cultural aspect of south asians is also hurting retrogression. Most people who come here on H-1b are out of school and generally single. People from non south asian countries or muslim countries will find their spouse here. However, someone on h-1b from south asian country or muslim country will get arranged marriage after being here for 4 to 6 years and then spouse gets counted against the quota at the expense of a skilled worker who may have had a later date. I a m not saying this is wrong because it is a cultural issue but is confined to certain countries.

    Regarding eb2 and eb3. This is also something that is quite comical. This is an area where immigration law hasn't kept up business practices. Pre H-1b you got greencard upon initial entry into USA. Department of labor rules were that you couldn't use the experience gained by your sponsor. It was never envisioned that people would come here on h-1b and hop/skip between employers. It has caused an end run around what the DOL rules were supposed to be. You shouldn't be able to gain experience in USA and then use that unfair advantage to knock out an american for that job. EB2 and EB3 differentiation would go away if you couldn't use the experience gained in USA. Just about everyone would be in eb3. Anyone who is here on h-1b generally already has or will have 5 years of experience and can go right to eb2.

    People who are working at companies which aren't dominated by immigrants would have a difficult time satisfying themselves that the job requires a bachelors degree plus five years or masters degree. However; if you work at a staffing company you go straight to eb2 because that is what is needed to keep you there (remember, it is supposed to be the minimum requirements for the job). If software engineer or programmer analyst minimum requirement is masters or bachelors plus five then company is saying that is the "minimum" job requirements. However, if it is the "minimum" requirements then how are companies getting people here on h-1b who only have a bachelors degree?

    Although people like to say "immigration system is broken" it can mean two things. From greencard wannabes; it is too much red tape, not friendly enough, etc. From other side it is broken because it is not being used as its intended purpose. You can mark my words that if/when rules are relaxed on h-1b or quota; you will see a whole bunch of enforcement with it. It actually is already happening at the consulates; department of labor and revocations of 140's by companies who are sponsoring too many people.

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  • MYGC2008
    09-14 03:50 PM
    Do we know the exact Approved EB2 Labors for INDIA. (Year 2005 means Oct 2004 to Sept 2005). because PERM is introdiced in mid 2005.This is Critical

    Also I have a question: Does Prevailing Wage Level determine the EB Category? (EB2 Prevailing Wage Type = Level II) If this assumption is correct then for 2006 (Oct 1 2005 to Sept 2006) there are 11000 approved EB2 INDIA Labors.


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  • gc4me
    02-13 02:08 PM
    That was an example only. A country can use max 7% of total visa. And if you see the EB visa allocation, other than India, China the 3rd largest Visa was taken by Korea (about 4K, don't remember exactly) and the fourth country only used around 1200, all other countries used with in 100s only. So if a country (example Malaysia) uses only 200 Visa and if it had 500 applicant, why 300 people from Malaysia was retrogressed.

    There is no such thing as EB3 Nepal, which I'm sure you know. In EB3 ROW, this includes everyone else. I'm sure there are some significant numbers from the UK, Germany, Australian (although they might be separate under E3... not sure), Japan, Tawian.... etc etc the list goes on.

    EB3 ROW doesn't just mean those from tiny countries with tiny populations

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  • dealsnet
    09-04 12:26 PM
    If this is true, it is serious. If a donors information is compromised, it is like selling the credit card info the cheats. It is high time to clear bad elements from IV.

    Yup, it is a religious fanatic. Also it must be an insider.
    I am still wondering how the full name of "Jayapaul Reddy Vadicherla" is known.
    One thing is that the Vadicherla is a Donor and must have given all his details while donating. The insider have access to this information and posted it.

    _TrueFact, can you post my full name?


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  • Michael chertoff
    07-30 09:28 AM
    This Ron Gotcher guy does not seem to get it.... he has an agenda, I dont buy his logic. It is unlikely that ~ 50 cases at consular posts are enough motivation to move dates forward by two years.

    It took roughly one year for EB2-I dates to advance beyond April04 from the time it first got to April 04.
    We know 2005 is a lean year.
    It is likely that it will take almost a year before EB2-I dates advance beyond June06.
    Those with PD < June06 that do not get a GC by Sep08 can expect to get it by Sep 09. Until then we will see some short term swings between 2003 and 2006.

    When people with PD June 15 2006 will get the greencard???

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  • smuggymba
    01-14 12:47 PM
    First, please stop comparing companies in this thread at least because we are diverting from topic.

    I am totally convinced with users like jetflyer, kondur_007 and others that �if it goes smooth then next will be EAD, then I-485 approvals�.

    At least this is the time to think beyond boundaries (like EB-3, EB-2, working as FT, working with consulting company, states and countries), if not then don�t distract the efforts.

    I agree. This is a bad step by USCIS but as someone mentioned AC21 was also a memo and was put into effect so I'm guessing this memo will do what it's meant to do - bad stuff:( for H1-Bs.

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  • ramus
    06-28 04:59 PM
    They couldn't do earlier because dates weren't current.. Now dates are current and they can approve all those pending application who were just waiting for visa number to assign..

    I don't think that they will APPROVE 40,000 appplications in a week. Well they were unable to do so in an year, how come in a week or two.

    03-27 12:13 PM
    One idiot without giving him name in comments started abusing in Hindi language.
    Dude when you have guts to put comments then put your name in it. So that I know who has issues with my comments to thread.

    And just don't give red " just for the sake of giving it make you feel happy ".

    Hey how/where do you see the comments?

    01-13 08:53 PM
    This will only increat outsourcing and actually hurt US economy and jobs...too bad that "blinded" politicians do not recognize this.

    they r blinded....... remember..... but they will recognize..... when most of the jobs are outsourced....