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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

axis powers hetalia

axis powers hetalia. File:Axis Powers Hetalia
  • File:Axis Powers Hetalia

  • zen.state
    Apr 4, 10:59 AM
    Have you called Other World Computing to ask them if they will both work together?

    If they will, I would start checking power supply lead voltages, you could be experiencing a power supply failure causing an undervoltage occurrence to the cards, thus causing a kernel panic.

    He didn't buy them from OWC and they also don't support the card near as well as the manufacturer even if he did buy it there.

    A few hard drives with stock video is never going to be too much power for a 400 watt PSU. Even with the full 6 drives he wants to use thats only maybe 75-90 watts. The dual 867 card would use maybe 55 watts tops. All thats left is the stock geforce 4 MX, optical drive and the system fans which wouldn't add up to anymore than maybe 120 watts. 90+55+120=265 watts. Because there were more powerful video upgrades out at the time of the MDD they allowed an extra 150 watts or so for power hungry cards. ie. 9800 pro and Geforce 7800.

    axis powers hetalia. axis powers hetalia.
  • axis powers hetalia.

  • Stampyhead
    Sep 25, 11:45 PM
    Check out the reviews on amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0001BRIEY/qid=1127709778/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-3144106-0376830?v=glance&s=pc&n=507846)
    Sounds like some people liked it, others said they got curly paper.

    axis powers hetalia. Hetalia Axis Powers – Vol. 3
  • Hetalia Axis Powers – Vol. 3

  • EricNau
    Feb 7, 03:29 PM
    One thread per topic, please. Your other thread can be found, and continued, here.

    axis powers hetalia. Axis Powers Hetalia: Italy by
  • Axis Powers Hetalia: Italy by

  • WillEH
    Mar 20, 09:07 AM
    There have been countless miscarriages of justice (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_miscarriage_of_justice_cases#United_Kingdom) proved since the death penalty was banned in the UK and probably many others which have not yet been successfully appealed.

    Many of these innocent people would have faced the death penalty, does that not concern you?

    Extremely good point. Indeed it does concern me. :eek:


    axis powers hetalia. Which Axis powers hetalia
  • Which Axis powers hetalia

  • Brasilian
    Apr 26, 11:09 AM
    I just tried Jailbreaking my Ipod 4th Gen, 4.1.2 with PwnageTool. Everything is fine until I have to restore it, I have gotten three different errors so far, one was 8, the other was 1604 and I forget the third.
    I can successfully enter DFU mode and choose which firmware I need to restore with, it's just unsuccessful when I try restoring it, theres either an error, or Cydia doesn't appear and it says "Restore Complete"

    axis powers hetalia. axis powers hetalia.
  • axis powers hetalia.

  • citizenzen
    Mar 20, 11:28 AM
    No. If you take a life, you get to sit in a small dark room for 23,5 out of 24 hours of each day for the rest of your life.

    [WARNING: Faith-based opinion]

    As a Buddhist, I believe that the mental state one has when they die provides the direction for their mind in their next life. Therefore, I support life in prison in order to give the convicted killer every opportunity to improve their mind and realize the error of their actions before they die. It's for both their benefit and the benefit of every being they encounter in their next life.

    [/WARNING: Faith-based opinion]


    axis powers hetalia. Hetalia Axis Powers OP/ED
  • Hetalia Axis Powers OP/ED

  • rhodest
    Dec 11, 10:48 AM
    I'm in the US and don't really want to ship overseas.

    axis powers hetalia. axis powers hetalia.
  • axis powers hetalia.

  • funkeruski
    Apr 8, 09:46 AM
    Is track and field included? I remember breaking many joysticks, and destroying the palm of my right hand playing that one.


    axis powers hetalia. Hetalia Axis Powers had
  • Hetalia Axis Powers had

  • spiffers
    May 2, 06:40 AM
    According to some sources within Apple, MobileMe will be free and for individuals to use, and Castle, now iCloud, will be "the MobileMe for companies". Im not 100% sure this is right, but a guy I know has been right before, and he has some kind of connection within Apple.
    iCloud for businesses would make a lot of sense, because Apple really wants to make iOS more "corporate". Also the big datacenter Apple built is something that could serve iCloud for small and medium businesses, leaving the new Mac Pro Stackable for the bigger businesses and corporations.

    axis powers hetalia. Axis Powers Hetalia to get a
  • Axis Powers Hetalia to get a

  • kenaustus
    May 2, 04:06 PM
    For those who cannot give blood, I understand that feeling as I'm in that group with 2 cases of cancer. Before I was diagnosed I did give a few (too few) times and wish I had given more.

    For those who can give blood, I've seen the huge need. My wife had acute leukemia (ALL) and over 18 months of chemo was in desperate need of blood 10 times. Fortunately the blood & platelets were available when needed.

    After that experience I felt I should have given more, but have no hesitation asking you to give a few units.


    axis powers hetalia. Tags: Axis, Powers, Hetalia,
  • Tags: Axis, Powers, Hetalia,

  • jessica.
    Aug 7, 03:34 PM
    I don't recall where the WP came from but it would be easy enough to crop I'm sure.

    axis powers hetalia. Hetalia Axis Powers
  • Hetalia Axis Powers

  • shays992000
    Feb 9, 12:24 PM
    You will only loose your rollover minutes if you switch plan types. Example from Family Talk to a single line plan. Changing minutes will not effect your roll over minutes.


    axis powers hetalia. APH Axis Powers Hetalia
  • APH Axis Powers Hetalia

  • balamw
    Apr 7, 08:34 AM
    Browse the disc in Explorer and look for a file called BootCamp.msi or BootCamp64.msi. Manually install that by right clicking on it.


    axis powers hetalia. Axis Powers Hetalia- Canada by
  • Axis Powers Hetalia- Canada by

  • Kadin
    Feb 4, 04:29 PM
    Which version of redsn0w are you using? And is it via Mac or Windows?


    axis powers hetalia. Axis Power Hetalia – Vodka
  • Axis Power Hetalia – Vodka

  • Apple OC
    Mar 27, 09:20 PM
    someone's going to report screen shots of his eBay scams, his confession posts here on MR etc.

    then we will be hearing about Stratocaster Dan on America's Dumbest criminals

    axis powers hetalia. axis powers hetalia.
  • axis powers hetalia.

  • gauchogolfer
    Sep 27, 02:50 AM
    Overly aggressive? I'm currently forwarding all my .Mac mail through Gmail because I got sick of so much junk mail -- 20 messages per day, usually more -- getting through from .Mac to my inbox. I actually thought they didn't have any spam filters at all.

    I have the opposite problem. I get much more spam through to my inbox on my gmail account than I do with .mac . As always, YMMV.


    axis powers hetalia. Axis Powers Hetalia – Episode
  • Axis Powers Hetalia – Episode

  • MattG
    Oct 4, 07:07 AM
    To recap all the comments above...
    Pretty muc everyone who actually had to *use* Notes for work hates it.
    The only people who seem to be praising it are the ones who are paid to maintain it. Notice how the Notes fanbois refer to it as a "product", "platform", "solution", etc - and yet provide not a single example where the features of the client itself would make the user more happy and productive.
    Yes, I said the word: User!
    It's the users that matter most.
    And Notes client makes any user miserable.
    It is slow, it uses non-standard interface elements, and it has a really steep learning curve (even for the 'engineer' types). I am not a big fan of Outlook, but even Outlook is light years ahead of Notes.
    As for the Domino server itself... That thing is just as bad as the client.
    Its raison d'etre seems to be simplification of development process.
    And it might have made (some limited) sense in 1995.
    Not anymore.
    Everything, and I mean everything, that you can do with Domino, you can do with Ruby, PHP/MySQL/PostgreSQL, WebObjects, or Java.
    You can do it in less time, using highly visual dev environments. You can also easily collaborate on the development process, and systematically create concise documentation. The finished product will run fast and solid, and it won't depend on proprietary (terrible) client software. You will just need a web browser.
    Domino, on the other hand, is pure garbage. I remember working in a 20 person company back in '00 where we had a Domino server running on a dual 500MHz PIII server with 2 gigs of RAM - very expensive at the time. It was very hard on the poor machine. It was choking. And the only three things the server was used for were email, very basic scheduling, and a billable hour tracking app. Not that that server is any speed demon by modern standards... But a non-Domino system having the same functionality would not have created any measurable load on the server at all with only 20 users. Did I also mention the server was less than stable? And I still remember how SP6 for NT completely brought the damn thing down... Ouch.

    I agree for the most part. It's the same where I work. We had one resident Domino fan (who left us about 8 months ago), and she was the only one in our department who really liked it. Most IT people I know hate Lotus Notes, and our department is no exception. The client is an absolute pain in the ass to contend with. The whole system of IDs and certifiers is a nightmare.

    Here are some perfect examples of what's wrong with Domino/Notes.

    1. A friend of mine where I work accidentally deleted her Notes ID file one time. (for those of you who don't know, unless you're using the web client, a Notes ID is what stores your personal information [including your password] and you need this to log on to the system). We tried to restore her ID from a backup copy we made when the account was originally created, but it wouldn't work because this copy of the ID was from before she got married, and her name was changed on Domino. The resident Domino fangirl putzed around with it for hours, and could not get it to work. She ended up deleting the account and recreating it, blaming my friend saying "she made a dumb mistake by deleting her ID file." That may have been so, but doesn't it seem a bit ridiculous that there isn't a "Regenerate Notes ID" button in Administrator? Seems like a stupid thing to leave out. So, someone accidentally deletes their ID file (which I'm sure happens at places all the time), you can't regenerate it, and you have to recreate the account? Ludicrous.

    2. Or how about the fact that in Domino Admin, I can't change the password in an ID file, so if someone forgets it, they're SOL? As the admin I can't change a password???!!?

    3. We've currently got about 5000 users on our student email server. These are iNotes only users -- they don't get ID files and they don't use the Notes client, just web-mail. Domino doesn't provide anyway to track usage of these, only with Notes-ID clients. I've been trying to come up with a way to show how many people are accessing their accounts, and you just can't do it. I've spent hours on the phone with IBM trying to figure this out, and I can't. Their techs don't know how to do it. I'm trying to figure out who hasn't used their account in a year or more so they can be deleted, and IBM doesn't give you any way to track usage through the web client.

    Good stuff.

    I do have to say though, that although the client is awful and a pain to use, and that users are difficult to administrate sometimes, the server itself holds up pretty well. It really doesn't crash much.

    axis powers hetalia. Hetalia: Axis Powers (ヘタリア
  • Hetalia: Axis Powers (ヘタリア

  • Tom B.
    Nov 1, 10:30 AM
    Looks like the old ones to me...

    Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!:mad: Why???:(

    Hopefully, Apple are only doing this while they use up the leftover old-style earphones, and will soon change to the new and improved ones.

    axis powers hetalia. axis-powers-hetalia-set-to
  • axis-powers-hetalia-set-to

  • Dimwhit
    Apr 30, 08:59 PM
    Is iCloud really $4.5 million better than MobileMe?

    For a company that profited several billion? Yeah, probably. :)

    Aug 13, 08:07 PM
    Very nice. I like the happy mac incorporation. The animation is nice, simple but clean.

    Oct 11, 04:04 AM
    October :)

    Original please? :)

    Apr 6, 01:41 PM
    12 petabytes? That doesn't seem like too much, actually. that's 1GB of storage for 12 million customersI think it is being used to hold media content, not for cloud backup type purposes for individual customers Exactly dukebound85. You only need one copy of a song or movie to store or stream, not one for each customer. Digital, remember?

    Apr 28, 10:29 AM
    I had Verizon for 7 years, and never dropped a single call.

    I stopped reading right there b/c I don't believe that.

    Mar 25, 11:02 AM
    I'm getting more and more curious how iOS 5 will turn out. I dunno if these enhancements will make it in time for summer, but I'm imagining centralized voice control for doing everyday tasks, a la Siri.

    "Is it going to rain tonight?"
    "How is traffic? Find another route"
    "Book me a table for 2 at 7 tonight"
    "What movies are showing tonight?"

    These sorts of things should be accessible, and actionable, from the Voice Control interface. Apple did just add 20 new spoken languages to OS X :rolleyes: Perhaps it will be accessible as an API to third party developers. This would really change the way I use my phone, especially while on the road.

    This would be cool if you didn't have to hold in the home button. What I mean is, if I'm already holding the phone, then holding in the home button, then speaking the command- I could have just launched the weather app in that amount of time. I want to be able to have the phone sitting on my desk while I'm getting ready for work and shout commands at it from across the room. A little too star-trek, I know, but that's the only time I think I'd ever use a voice command. And obviously, while driving.