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Monday, June 20, 2011

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  • chanduv23
    07-09 12:03 PM
    We will have to wait and see how effective this will be, going forward.

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  • lahiribaba
    07-02 02:48 AM
    last time i posted this idea everyone ridiculed.

    Well we desis can only follow the lead of firingis.. so firingis say that who the f*** asked you to come here in the first place and we understand their logic and tell ourselves who the f*** asked us to be here in the first place .. so we are to blame ourselves for everything and take the crap anyway..

    But that is not the point.

    The point is that me and my company and you and your organisation have paid a service fee with a reasonable expectation of service. reasonable expectation of service is subject to interpretetion based on common sense and no f**king common sense says that waiting 10 years for GC is reasonable .. unless your common sense has been replaced by self disrepecting logic ....

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  • qualified_trash
    08-01 01:22 PM
    You can't generalize. If your kids are smart they can get into better colleges like IITs etc. I think you are confusing the issue about adaptability with good future prospects.

    Wait a second. If you are not adaptable to the new environment, it becomes a rat race.If the situation is not conducive, your smartness aint gonna help. I think thats what the OP clearly meant. Its not easy for a kid who is in 8th grade in US to snugly fit into Indian System. Coming to the IIT's, Have you ever compared the total number of seats available in IIT's to the accepted numbers from IVY leagues and other big schools. In India, you have to be the best among the best to get into IIT's. You have to be best here and oh yeah.. You dont have to lose some of the smartness to reservations. But I agree with you that parents should let children pursue their own interests rather than thinking about him/her being a doc/eng.

    I am sorry but I disagree with the "best among the best" comment. To equate success in the IIT entrance exam to being the best is a mistake. Success in the entrance exams to those Insititutions comes from focus and hard work. This does not necessarily mean that the people who go there are the best. They ARE definitely the best at preparing for the exam.

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  • indianindian2006
    09-22 06:38 PM
    Call Call Call.......Please call.


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  • hebbar77
    05-02 12:36 AM
    hahaha...good one belmont boy

    Yes my note was for humor.
    But to answer questions :

    out of all useful land , I guess africa has lots of uninhabited land!, so someone would not mind selling! Its not to offend anyone. I have great respect for africans, being aware that we come from them!
    Me being an indian upper class guy, and this OBC thing going on back home, I dont think I belong to that country that much, where me/my children will be discreminated against!!!
    So dont you guys now think we need our OWN country???

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  • kevinkris
    11-03 12:24 PM
    I know this is not releated with Immigration. If you dont want to answer, that is fine. Just ignore this.

    I have money crunch in US. I have accumulated huge debt in my CC. In past I have sent some money to India, but now when I ask my parents to send it here, they tell it is not possible without losing 30%. This is what they heard from my bank. Any Idea on how to get money from India from my own account to which I have sent from here.

    It's simple.. Find some one in your friend circle who wants to send money to india and tell him that you will transfer rupees to his bank account in india and ask him to transfer dollars to ur account here.

    Simple.. that's how i did last time..

    good luck to get our of debt..


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  • chanduv23
    07-09 12:11 PM
    I am not saying that it is working on the USCIS. We dont know yet coz the flowers start reaching there tommorow. If it is working on USCIS, we would know by the end of the week. Not now.

    But it is working on the media.

    What I am saying is we are getting a good amount of attention from a lot of newspapers - which is important to create more awareness on the plight of half a million law abiding immigrants and the backlogs they are facing.

    Make it as visible as possible in the most peaceful manner. Thats the idea here. I think we must keep the flower campaign going and encourage more members.

    I sent mine out on Saturday and is scheduled tomorrow.

    Folks - employers, lawyerss. etc... everyone have backed off. AILF lawsuit is a fragile attempt, we are on our own


    Get as much media attention as possible. Get international media attention. Let Chinese, Indian, Australian media be all over this .....

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  • hunkuncontrolled
    04-02 01:31 PM
    Then call senator grassley and ask these questions and prove you have the BALLS!!!! Otherwise you know what it means.

    I am not sure abt Senator Grassley and others but someone in your home could answer your curiosity about my balls. lol...Take your shot man


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  • unitednations
    08-15 07:02 PM
    There are limits to everything - and to worries too. Of course you don't want to be taking meaningless risks, but to live like a chicken is not an option either. But this is more philosophical, here is my question.

    USCIS may send RFEs for whatever and whoever they think it's reasonable. They can investigate and reinvestigate and GC holders and citizens, it's their job. Now tell me. How many you know of GC holders who got denied their citizenships because they just threw away their W2s? How many GCs were actually revoked and people were deported because USCIS investigated company and found out that most of the employees were H1b?

    Here is case of my cousin, he had his GC for many years, his wife and kids got citizenships. He didn't because he didn't accrue his 5 years in the US. He felt that he would be more successful in his home country. So he had business over there and was traveling back and forth to/from US. Once, at airport the immigration officer asked why he was traveling so much? He honestly answered "i'm doing business abroad". What do you think? INS officer initiated investigation and put him on deportation. Reason? "Absence of immigration intent!!!!". The case was quickly dismissed by immigration judge. My cousin was telling me how angry the judge was at prosecutors, he told them not to waste tax money like this anymore. So... what would be the right choice for him? Taking risk and making money (now he has a $1M house in LA) or be "careful" and live in some crappy hollywood apartment until his citizenship?

    People who left employer early or want to leave early will say it is ok; because it suits their needs.

    People who plan on staying later or don't have any intention of leaving early will say to stay.

    Bottom line is it is upto everyones own risk tolerance. I have just seen some of the biggest cowards in terms of immigration all of a sudden get so brave after they got the greencard.

    If people are waiting years and playing it safe then what is the possible harm to wait a little longer and not get riled up by every small story of someone who got questioned at citizenship time, etc.

    Immigration laws don't change very often; however, uscis interpretations and memos do change quite frequently. When you have to start hiring lawyers, go to court, face uncertainty then we'll see how brave people are.

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  • pappu
    06-12 01:49 PM
    kumarc123 I merged your thread + created a redirect with this one because of duplicate post and same discussion on your post in 2 places.

    Will respond to your other post soon. Pls look at us as people like you rather than venting against us for everything.


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  • snathan
    03-15 11:29 PM
    Don't jump without understanding my comments.

    what makes you come to conclusion that i am supporting him?

    we shouldnot judge others without understanding circumstances. Even if he has intentionally comitted crime, he is going to answer to God for this sooner for later.

    some "shoplifters" are not theives.

    I already answered you. If it�s an accident I apologies.

    By the way what you call them?

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  • kf9009
    06-24 10:40 PM
    I am applying for AP (new). Are they issued with 1 year validity or 2 years ( now that EAD is being given for 2 years)?


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  • apb
    07-25 01:48 PM
    Delivered on July/19th.

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  • styrum
    02-08 03:41 PM

    This is just some lawyer's opinion. Their "solution" though didn't work for me at least. Nobody asked for any "business neccessity justification". They simply denied my case automatically as I told before.


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  • gc28262
    01-14 02:57 PM
    Anyway USCIS queue has to be cleared of us ( IV members and others) already in the queue, before illegal's applications can be processed by USCIS.

    Probably they are trying to do that here.

    IMO everybody becoming current during july fiasco had something to do with the 2007 CIR.

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  • mallu
    04-13 10:12 PM
    The exchange rate was Rs. 41.90


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  • hyennah
    06-03 12:08 PM
    Thats great ! These kids must have sure worked hard on this...just congratulate them on having a goal and achieving it .
    As for the competition been silly, you can say this about many events starting from Golf.
    What about 100 mts running in olympics..specially in this day and age of cars and bikes, what is the need to run so fast..

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  • Macaca
    08-14 12:19 PM
    Please post verifiable #s (from DOL) for backlogged labor certifications cases. Thanks!

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  • gc_in_30_yrs
    08-22 10:14 AM
    I talked to USCIS information center at (202) 272-8269. They asked me to submit Form G-639 (it is available at www.uscis.gov --> under forms section). It has all the instructions to request the copies we needed.

    The following is the direct link for the form g-639:



    03-17 04:33 PM
    Guys - I have 2 sets of questions:

    1. Case 1: Re-enter on AP with a valid H1-B visa till Oct 2010 (not stamped in Passport though). What status do I have (AOS or H1-B)? This is assuming that I work for the same GC sponsoring employer. I currently have 3 copies of AP (and 3 for my wife) - will I have to turn in all 3 of them at the POE? I have read that the Immigration Officers keep 2 of the 3 APs and return one back to you. The I-94 is stamped for 1 year - what do I do after a year? Do I have to renew my AP every year to maintain my status in the US?

    2. Case II: Re-enter on AP (not working for sponsoring employer - using AC 21) - Is this safe? How does one explain AC21 to the Immigration Officer..how should one answer the question: 'Who is your current employer?'

    thanks in advance!

    06-12 11:48 AM
    This is my thought process (also referred by Ron G):

    July 2007 brought in approximately 500K 485 cases.

    We do not know how many cases were pending as of June 2007.

    Fiscal year 2007-2008 USCIS used over 140K EB VISA numbers (I think it was around 155K).
    Fiscal year 2008-2009 USCIS will use atleast 140K EB VISA numbers

    so, 500K - 300K = 200K.

    Assuming USICS approval rate is 85%; 75K of 500K are denied.

    200K - 75K = 125K EB cases pending from the July 2007 cases.

    Additions: from all current categories - may be 25 K in 2 years?

    So, 150 K plus whatever that was pending as of June 2007.

    So next fiscal year, 2009 if USCIS uses the quota 140 K, most or all of the 2007 filings will be cleared. If not EB3 I, definitely EB2 I and C, EB3 ROW will be cleared.

    Depending on new filings, EB3 I might retrogress but retrogression might come within 3-4 years instead of current 8 years.

    I strongly believe, beginning Jan 2010, dates for EB2 (I and C) will move forward heaps and bounds followed by EB3 ROW.