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Monday, June 20, 2011

katie holmes hair 2011

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  • jaocanada
    09-19 03:40 PM
    I have registered this domain. If needed, please send me PM; I can initiate the transfer process. I have already added a forwarding address to the immigrationvoice.com.

    This is my from of contribution.

    MeMyselfandUs: Thank you very much for registering the domain and adding the forwarding link.

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  • apt29
    11-11 05:00 PM
    Is there any IV member in DC willing take up this task, while we work on document?

    The next step is really to get an appointment with the official. We can get signatures/representation much easily.

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  • rajeshalex
    07-13 06:57 PM
    Can IV use FOIA to
    1 get the visa numbers allocated by USCIS for the past one year ?
    2 pending 485 applns grouped by country/EB category/priority date?

    I think this will clear lot of speculations/and if needed we can do something regarding the visa number wastage/retrogression.


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  • abhijitp
    07-18 12:57 AM
    As in, if you have a delivery confirmation from Fedex/UPS does it have any significance? It is still not clear if it will be accepted/ rejected AFAIK.

    Have there been any applications that were not even "accepted" because the "packet" suggested it was an AOS application?

    More likely, applications can be rejected for being "improperly filed" but you would only come to know about it whenever they are rejected. No one would know this in advance, so no point worrying about it.


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  • harsh
    12-12 04:54 PM
    http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=7dc68f236e16e010VgnVCM1000000ecd190aRCR D&vgnextchannel=7dc68f236e16e010VgnVCM1000000ecd190a RCRD

    All of the documents in this link are written by
    "Micheal Aytes /s/,
    Acting Associate Director, Domestic Operations
    U.S. of Citizenship and Immigration Services
    Department of Homeland Security"

    I wonder if he is the person we should be talking to. Although the document does not indicate which city he works in. He should at leats be able to tell us who in USCIS makes these decisions if he is not the right person.

    Also I was not able to find anything about not allowing concurrently to file 140/485 applications. Where was this information published? Does anyone know?

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  • punjabi
    07-13 09:53 AM

    I suggest you do it right away. I mean, keep papers and application ready. And Fedex it on 31st July evening.

    Good Luck, my friend!

    understandably so.. but I am now current after a looooong time. EB3 Dec 2001 PD. I can finally file the AOS for my wife who has been on H4 for the last 2 yrs... excellent!


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  • signifer123
    02-15 06:20 AM
    I'm sure i could but then again i have no life :P

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  • dingdong12
    09-09 02:25 PM
    American lawmakers have created a law that needs only top talent. By law it go from top to bottom. So they go from EB1, EB2, EB3 and so on. If we disagree, then get the law changed.

    EB3 I is screwed big time and they are ignorant about this .EB3 are responsible for their own loss. I see them tracking LUDs and laugh at their ignorance of wasting their time.

    They should be doing hunger strikes and do a rally in DC every month.

    Else they can forget Green card coming any time soon.

    Sadly true. Our hope is STEM exemption and Visa recapture and both of them will get little political help till elections. After the elections, the political arena will definitely be different with some Republicans replacing the Democrats in the House and any immigration related bill will result in a much tougher battle.


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  • Macaca
    07-17 10:26 AM
    One of their fax letters is below, which is a complete mis-representation of truth - look at point #2.

    Please post URL

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  • gimmeacard
    07-12 09:00 PM
    So looking at the demand data used for determining Aug bulletin,


    how far do you think it'll progress next month?

    AUG BULLETIN is already out, it moved to March06 for EB2,


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  • Legal_In_A_Limbo
    03-10 09:11 AM
    Hi, Did you send the AC21 letter yourself? Can you please let us know the format of the letter and supporting documents you sent? Also, please share the format of G-28 explanation. How was your experience so far? Did you receive any confirmation back from USCIS? Thanks.

    meimmi, we are still working on it.
    might end up hiring a lawyer only for filling AC-21. I know its not a big deal, but still trying to be on the cautious side.

    We also had the same questions as u had and were not able to find anything.
    If you find anything please share it with us also. We are going to file this week for sure.

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  • funny
    09-11 11:38 AM

    Lot of people are working hard to defeat this bill including Programmers guild. We need to act fast and aggressively. I think this postponment of the bill gave us another chance to lobby it strongly.


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  • new_gc
    12-17 03:34 PM
    gurus can you throw light on this please?

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  • perm2gc
    12-28 05:30 PM
    For Detroit you can use http://miindia.com.
    I have already posted in miindia but we have to post for every 2 hours as their will be lot of activity in the forums and our ad may go back pages.


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  • sweet_jungle
    01-31 10:09 PM
    any feedbacks on Terasoft at Illinois? are they on blacklist?

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  • Naveen
    04-07 08:12 AM
    Well said! I came back first week of Feb 09 and no issues. Just usual jibber-jabber.

    Rumor, rumor, and more rumors. We Indians get a kick out of this stuff, dont we? This actually happened with me couple of weeks ago.


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  • lazycis
    12-21 10:03 PM

    According to 245(k), does it mean that "unauthorized stay" (or stay with expired I-94) of more than 1 year is wiped out if a nonimmigrant went out of the country, entered back with a new I-94 and maintained legal status ever since? He/she should not have any problems in adjusting status with 485?

    I like your insight into immigration policies and the way you express them.


    8 USC 1182(a)(9)(B) Aliens unlawfully present
    (ii) Construction of unlawful presence For purposes of this paragraph, an alien is deemed to be unlawfully present in the United States if the alien is present in the United States after the expiration of the period of stay authorized by the Attorney General or is present in the United States without being admitted or paroled.

    Unlawful presence is different from out of status.
    The period for unlawful presence begins on:
    1) The expiration date* of the visa "status" document (I-94 Arrival/Departure Card), or
    2) status violation, determined by an immigration judge, or
    3) status violation, determined by the USCIS during the course of adjudicating a benefit application.

    245(k) allows up to 180 days of "out of status".

    If a person overstays (expired I-94) more than one year, leaves and re-enters within 10 years, it will be a problem for I-485 (if the USCIS finds about it, of course). More likely it will result in removal proceedings and permanent bar to reentry to the US. The only exception is if that person has an immediate relative who is a US citizen (see 8 USC 1255(i)).
    So the moral of the story is to never leave the US until you get a green card if you accumulated more than 180 days of unlawful presence.

    However if a person left and was allowed to re-enter, there is a chance that a person did not accumulated unlawful presence to trigger re-entry ban. Refer to this CIS memo for details regarding "period of authorized stay".


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  • Winner
    06-10 05:03 PM
    Did my part.

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  • bfadlia
    02-03 12:37 PM
    I know ROW country may not like this thread, but look at EB-3 India or China, put yourself in our shoes and than you may realize how unfair this country is. In this unprecedented financial turmoil, I feel there are very remote chances for CIR or any package which increase immigration etc would pass, I am taking this initiative to gather as many people I can and go to washington. Again this is not an IV effort. If you are with me , you can spare some time or few days in Washington, please PM me. our sole agenda is bring a 2 line bill to remove country quota...

    Didn't we have these discussions over and over before? and the admins telling us to stop because IV goals are set and will not change?
    If you just want to argue and waste time, lookup previous threads discussing this and you'll have enough reading material for weeks to come.

    02-13 12:57 PM
    come on this is bull s***.

    03-07 08:24 PM

    I am flying (to BWI) from MI, need accomodation during my stay.

    Please let me know.
