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Monday, June 20, 2011

amorphous urate crystals in urine

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  • kavita
    07-02 11:21 AM
    If DOJ agress what is being done based on country of origin is unjust, in what way can they help?
    Can they ask congress to act? can they order USCIS to recapture lost visas?

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  • gsc999
    11-09 05:12 PM
    Nancy Pelosi has long talked about her first 100 hour agenda and immigration is not on it. It would be amazing to see any immigration talk in lame-duck session.

    Although, it would be a good start because both parties agree on it but I don't think the strategic think-tank in either party will rush to do that before seizing each other's deeper 2008 Presidential agenda.

    Lets chalk out a strategy for next year, which is the Chinese year of the PIG.

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  • aadimanav
    08-15 06:28 PM
    * bump *

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  • anilsal
    11-08 09:57 AM
    hey friends,
    I saw that Logiclife mentioned that the head will be from michigan. I am from michigan and a lot of my buddies also visit this site regularly. Let us know if we can make a difference. Please let us know what can we do to help our cause here. I am ready to drive, meet, talk to any one I can to push things here. I dont know how much of an impact that would be, but even a little can help.
    Please pm me with any suggestions or ideas.

    Hey start a local chapter of IV in MI such that other volunteers in future also can join and work from under the same umbrella.


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  • chanduv23
    08-05 09:41 AM
    what ? that is surprising ...does that mean if you get FP notice then your name check is over ?? I don't think so ..
    I guess no need to think too much as it becomes a mental torture for retrogressed countries and categories ... if GC has to come it will come.
    one of my friend was saying that a lady from kenya got her GC in 9 months ..since everything was current current for her @#$#R$#R

    I agree, FP does not have anything to do with namecheck. I never received my FP for 15 months but inbetween when I took infopass - it was confirmed that my name check was done

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  • immigrant2007
    06-30 12:54 PM
    Visa recapture cannot happen with an administrative fix. Anyone who is telling you that visa recapture can happen by some admin fix or through a lawsuit is simply lying, possibly just to grab your attention. We have been repeatedly told by the administration that recapture cannot happen by an executive order.

    A few days back a group of disorganized folks were writing to USCIS Director asking him to recapture. That is just a waste of time because CIS director cannot do recapture. Even Presidential executive order cannot recapture unused visas. It has to be done legislative because recapture will require change in the law.

    We do not mean to dampen your enthusiasm but please do not expect for something that cannot happen. Recapture cannot happen with an administrative fix. In this admin fix initiative we are working on other possible good provisions that are possible.

    I am not sure about this but one thng can certainly happen with Admin Fix.
    Porting of applicant who have stayed long enough in (EB3 to EB2). EB3 15 years experience and still counting and stuck and uncertain porting rules and AC21 doesn't make sense at all.
    AC21 rules or some other fix giving relief to people stuck in GC unnecessarily.
    USCIs can make these fixes but they dont want to do it. Its simple


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  • yabadaba
    08-01 01:14 PM
    You can't generalize. If your kids are smart they can get into better colleges like IITs etc. I think you are confusing the issue about adaptability with good future prospects.

    Wait a second. If you are not adaptable to the new environment, it becomes a rat race.If the situation is not conducive, your smartness aint gonna help. I think thats what the OP clearly meant. Its not easy for a kid who is in 8th grade in US to snugly fit into Indian System. Coming to the IIT's, Have you ever compared the total number of seats available in IIT's to the accepted numbers from IVY leagues and other big schools. In India, you have to be the best among the best to get into IIT's. You have to be best here and oh yeah.. You dont have to lose some of the smartness to reservations. But I agree with you that parents should let children pursue their own interests rather than thinking about him/her being a doc/eng.

    What is your point? Madhuri just said that when kids are 8-9 years old it is easier for them to adapt to the canadian system rather than the indian system. No one said that the indian system is not up to the standard.

    Having studied in every single indian board system, state, cbse and icse along with primary education the london board (o/a level), I have some experience with regards to adaptability-> It sucks. I have a abcd friend who moved from US to india while in the 6th grade and she regrets those two years of her life. If you have kids in school over here please think 3 times before u shuttle them back and forth.

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  • gcnotfiledyet
    02-25 12:28 PM
    Ya, expect others to show maturity while you continue to be a child.


    Is criticising me instead of my ideas going to help? I wonder who the child is.


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  • sanju
    04-17 03:33 PM
    What is the $ rate to Rs. today? Ya!! a special request for UK pound and Malagasy franc, please??? I am ready with my coffee and keeping my fingers crossed, waiting to see the real numbers.... alright, lets see!!!!


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  • gcseeker2002
    12-07 10:57 AM
    Agree with Gary. And update us on the results.

    Folks I wish your suggestions would be helpful, but I have taken 3 infopass appointments, and to my badluck, everytime I visit I meet the same old-fat-lady who now happens to remember me, and says, "Didnt I tell you last time that blah blah blah ", believe me, she was not willing to even accept request to send interim ead , she gave some reason that NSC outsourced callcenter work to contractors who dont know what they are saying and send us to local office to request interim EAD. She says my FP for ead was done only in Nov(my 2nd infopass resulted in 2nd FP) so it will take 4-6 weeks after that to get EAD. Anyways I will take your advice for a 4th infopass next week.


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  • lazycis
    12-31 02:33 PM
    "If there is a God, He is infinitely incomprehensible, since, having, neither parts nor limits, He has no affinity to us. We are then incapable of knowing either what He is or if He is ... you must wager. It is not optional. You are embarked. Which will you choose then? Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is. Let us estimate these two chances. If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager then without hesitation that he is."
    Blaise Pascal

    The chance is 50/50.

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  • krishnam70
    02-27 03:26 PM

    They obtained authorization to file the lawsuit. They had it prepared to file and received good response from possible plaintiffs. It was possibility of good strong case by AILA that deterred USCIS to reverse the decision without a formal lawsuit. This is exactly what we need to further our cause. USCIS could care less about other petty tricks. They will only understand language of laws/court. For that we need congress to pass laws favoring us.

    Our decision to send flowers was initiated around 2-3 July and the first of flowers were booked to be sent the same day.

    follow this thread

    the talk of AILA filing a law suit was around 3 week of July and murthy about the same time. The flower campaign got quite a lot of attention and it did play its role

    What we need now is not another flower campaign but something else. We could take the suggestions of other IV members, may be sending a letter is not a bad idea with some extra postage stamps to help out the USPS since they also reduced some of their services due to funding issues. How about sending few $$ donations to the military fund any public fund to be used to spending.

    We need to consolidate all these threads in to a single one and start working on it and quickly.

    'While the jews argued about whether the romans were right or wrong they got sacked'. so lets have some focus and get something underway

    - kris


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  • ronhira
    05-06 12:30 PM
    gr8... i've signed up & will attend for sure on both the days..... i did not attend earlier such events of iv.... i've a question.... i'll fly in.... when will be the meetings.... when should i reach washington..... i've to ask my boss for time off.... so pls let me know....

    y've u posted this on donor forum.... others will not know that iv is doing these events.... is there a reason for this.....

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  • GC_Optimist
    02-08 12:30 PM
    did not mean to discourage, just be prepared because after the 140 is rejected, you have to start all over again and you lose time in the process. BTW, ask any lawyer, and you will hear the same about Nebraska.

    also if you have an MS and are eb-3, by all means transfer to EB-2 with a high rate of success --- again accding to my lawyer.

    Can you elobrate on start all over again . Does this mean for that priority date of EB3 is lost. ? :confused:


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  • skd
    12-31 05:03 PM
    OK my conclusion:nature exists but not GOD.

    For you
    it's nature = GOD
    I mean
    nature = Rama/Krishna etc..(If you are a Hindu)
    nature = Jesus(If you are a christian)
    nature = Allah(If you are a Muslim)

    Both are Same ( Just a different term).
    What ever makes you happy believe that.
    Some People believes in term "God" and Some believe in term "Nature"

    World is big enough So that both "nature" and "god" words can co-exists.

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  • chanduv23
    08-05 02:32 PM
    I was under the same impression that it was FP that triggered the name check. But this is what the lawyer told them that their names were struck in NC and that is why they never got FP and now that NC is over they received FP notices. The interesting part is that within 3 weeks of FP one person got a notice that his application has been sent to USCISlocal office for further processing which I assume means interview notice in few days.

    How does a lawyer know if u r stuck in namecheck? Unless you go to infopass you may not know.

    In reality, the app was just taken up for processing - the IO figured that FP has not yet been done and sent notice and during the course of processing the app, decided to send it for interview.


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  • 53885
    09-12 03:19 AM
    and why was it so early. those arseholes carnt even watch a calander right.

    suppose to be on or around the 15th??? which would be friday???

    They published it early so that who have not planned to join rally can make late plans. Friday would have been very late.

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  • r2i2009
    05-01 07:56 PM
    Actually...with India growing up fast....i do not know if I am wasting time here.....want to go back .....
    If there is no growth in India...then it makes sense to stay here....

    life could be with problems much worse than this, giving up soo easily?

    Senior's waiting for 7+ years should be an inspiration for you. Cheer up.

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  • apunka_gc
    07-25 04:51 PM
    EB2 delivered to Nebraska on 2nd July AM

    07-20 11:25 AM
    Is there any thing to do with I-140approved/pending with I-485/ead/ap processing?

    This is only to track people who sent their I-485 application documents to USICIS Nebraska Service Center and received by them on the same day.

    If you are on that category, please vote.

    05-14 11:19 AM
    When in Rome do as the Romans do.. start eating burgers & you will develop the much needed 'thick' skin.. that should keep you immuned to all those bickerings..

    Like CNNs Sanjay Gupta once quoted "Immigrants come to America to pursue their American Dream but eventually pursue the American Bulge by eating American food"