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Monday, June 20, 2011

shannon elizabeth wallpaper

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  • file485
    01-30 01:19 PM
    again from H1 to H4 ..if u dont find a job will be another major horror story if u want to change your status from H1 to H4 as you have 2 show atleast 2 paystubs to show u maintained your H1...or go back home and get a H4 stamping...

    all is a horror story..either u take a H1 and only look forward..even if u want to change your H1 to another company u need paystubs... so living in the USA is no joke,bottomline..

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  • imneedy
    05-06 04:57 PM
    I dont think we should relay on their 15 months time line. Its too late. I am sure in coming 15 months whole immigration system will be changed. May be we will see point based system or something different. And at that time information will be no use. They are smart that is why they gave us 15 months. They will wait for 12 months to Congress to do something and then if nothing happen they will write SQL query in last 3 months.

    gc_on_demand, did you or anyone else here got similar letter?

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  • nixstor
    07-03 12:26 PM
    I admit, it seems discriminatory to say you can't get your GC now because you're from this country or that country but these "high volume" countries have created the current back log through their sheer numbers and sometimes multiple applications, not the system. The system is fair to ALL and for some group to say that it isn't fair because all of that group isn't getting what they want is unjust to the rest of us. I knew I would be pounced upon when I submitted my original post and it only proves my point of personal agendas; sometimes I wonder what the "I" in "IV" really stands for? Don't be so arrogant as to believe that your higher education should give you more rights than others - that doesn't fly with me! I am frustrated with this forum because of this arrogance and I may not visit too much longer!

    I do have one question for all of you who are in favor of eliminating the per country limit; do you support an eventual road to citizenship for the large group of people who dominate the "other side" of immigration? If you don't, some may think you hipocritical to want the rules changed for yourselves!

    Sheer number of applications from the high volume countries has created the backlog?? Are you saying/wishing that these people should not have come in the first place to avoid the backlog?? My friend, backlogs did not happen completely because of the sheer number of applications and gaming. Backlogs happened primarily because of wasted visa numbers and issues surrounding it. If there was no visa number wastage the priority dates would have been around 2-3 years behind as opposed to 7 or 8 years. There are gamers in every system. If a system does not work for people as it is supposed to, gamers do so to get out of the system. Not that IV condones such things but it happens in any system, when the system is broken.

    The I in IV definitely does not stand for me only or for any one only. I along with V only makes sense. I by itself does not get IV any where.

    So removing the per country limit would remove the "bias" off these countries and move it to the ones with lower populations; so, in essence the discrimination would be reversed?

    On one hand you are saying that there is a bias towards lower population countries now and you are ok with it, just because you happen to benefit from it. Is that what you mean?

    If retrogressed countries are asking for 75% of the numbers reserved to them rather than having one line for all, You have a good point in saying that the bias is shifting towards retrogressed countries. There is no such provision like that. The provision creates one line depending on when you entered the line. You enter the line ahead, you get it first.

    So keeping the limits intact is NOT a bias to you? You can't have it both ways. What do you think is a solution? The point system you referred to came with the same 10% limit on the retrogressed countries. What difference does it make to a retrogressed person with 96 out of 100 points, but still needs to wait for 4 years, while some one from Krakozhia walks away in 6 months with 60 points. B T W , you also said that higher education deserves more does not fly with you. I am not sure how you want points to be assigned, other than education and experience. Don't let the fear and protectionist thought take over the logical and rational thought.

    The "other side" of immigration is an entirely different topic. Their issues and our issues, their path to the end line and ours are entirely different. We can't simply compare apples and oranges and call people hypocrites. That said, I personally support it and feel that it will happen at some point depending on the majority in both houses and one party will suffer for the decisions it made. As a by stander, I sympathize with the situation the "other side" has been in. I have a full plate to work on.

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  • kriskris
    09-23 02:15 PM
    I e-filed my EAD and AP;but when I sent the supporting documentation to the PO Box in Mesquite,Texas;it was not delivered on Friday,a notice was left.I am very anxious if it comes back.Is there a Phone Number I can call to ask them Reason for Non-delivery;what should I do???Is there an address different from the PO Box where I can FEDEX
    This is quite common. I had the same thing happened. Even I have E-filed my EAD/AP last week. The way how it works is, since it is a post box USPS leaves the notice in there for all the deliveries. Once in a day, someone from USCIS picks those notices from the post box, goes to USPS and collects all the packages. Check your status back on Monday evening, it will say delivered.


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  • joydiptac
    02-19 02:22 PM
    Guys, this looks good. It is NOT for illegal aliens. Paragraphs (c) and (d) state that the alien must be admissible as an immigrant (i.e. not have broken the law by being an illegal), read paragraph (d) here:

    "(d) Security and Law Enforcement Clearances- The alien, if over 15 years of age, shall submit fingerprints in accordance with procedures established by the Secretary of Homeland Security. Such fingerprints shall be submitted to relevant Federal agencies to be checked against existing databases for information relating to criminal, national security, or other law enforcement actions that would render the alien ineligible for adjustment of status under this section. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a process for challenging the accuracy of matches that result in a finding of ineligibility for adjustment of status."

    Read the "or other law enforcement actions that would render the alien ineligible for adjustment of status under this section"....so, anyone who broke the law by entering the country illegally would NOT be eligible.

    So, stop sending those letters opposing this bill, and instead let's support it!!

    Totally agree with you. All opposed are not getting the point that they do not stand to loose either way. Hope they come to their senses. Anyhow if nothing happens they will be waiting way more than 5 years. This can only reduce the backlogs. Think with a clear mind. You might have a fast car but you can't go fast if the freeway is clogged. THink!

    shannon elizabeth wallpaper. of Shannon Elizabeth:
  • of Shannon Elizabeth:

  • gc_chahiye
    08-15 04:02 PM
    everyone was expecting them to go U

    EB1 has cutoff?? for the first time in recent memory?


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  • Shannon Elizabeth Wallpaper

  • vandanaverdia
    09-10 01:41 PM
    No in-state tuition for legals (only for illegals) - You are a legal high-skilled immigrant and have played by all the rules while contributing greatly to the economy, yet your children are not eligible for in-state tuition, while the children of illegal aliens ARE!!!!!

    This holds true for even your spouse not being eligible for in-state tuition. WHY???? Because you are a legal dependent(spouse/children) immigrant?
    But the children/spouses of the illegal aliens are eligible for the same!!!!!

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  • 768) of Shannon Elizabeth

  • neverbefore
    07-29 02:23 AM
    Hi all,

    I am not sure whether I should add this over here or not but I could not resist and I don't know any other way.

    I went to a wine shop and was shocked to see cartoon of Ganesha used on the bottle of India Pale Beer. I am not a religious person but this thing made me nervous. Please let me know how this can be protested.


    Please desist from such irrelevant postings here. If you have a personal problem, at least display the intelligence to find the proper forum for it.

    To answer your irrelevant question, such a thing can be protested best by not consuming the beer and most of all, to not give it publicity by laying bare your intellect at the wrong fora.


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  • ramus
    07-02 07:44 PM
    Thank you.. Please ask others to contribute.

    I put in $100 today to fight for our cause

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  • Shannon Elizabeth. views: 683

  • REEF�
    02-16 05:08 PM



    Nice 3D render ;P 3rdworldmang.


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  • spicy_guy
    07-27 05:29 PM
    Guys (and guns),

    Need a suggestion on finding a job!

    My friend has a master degree in India and worked in India for 6 months in Seimens before coming to US. Now she has EAD and would like to start working. Its been 3 years she left India and been idle.

    She would like to start as a fresher / jr in IT though she has little experience.
    When I asked a couple of guys, they suggested to approach Desi consulting companies.

    From what I heard, they train and put up some fake exp and then apply for jobs (and of course need to sign a contract). But she doesn't like that.

    I know a lot of people are in this situ too. I believe some of you have been here for a long time and have dealt with desi and US consulting companies. Some of you guys have good insight into these matters as well.

    So what do you guys suggest?

    Approaching Desi co is a good idea? or try for a full time employment with some US cos?
    I was told that Desi cos know tricks of the trade. Not sure how true this is.
    Or US consulting companies?

    (I don't see so many job openings for freshers / juniors. Very very limited.)

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  • Googler
    04-29 01:00 AM
    Opened my email this morning to see the card production ordered email (time stamp in my inbox reads 2:15 am PST 4/23/08); the approval date was 4/23/08. I opened the mailbox at home this evening and to my complete surprise -- the physical card! Sudden burst of efficiency at USCIs, 6 days from approval to actual delivery of card.

    Good luck to everyone else!


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  • chanduv23
    11-14 10:44 AM
    Dont take me wrong on this one... but If I am not wrong rajuram wants some one from her dis. to call her. Here is my experience in this week.

    I called Zoe's Office recently but lady over phone told me to call my local lawmaker. She didnot give any detail on HR 5882. She told she is not aware of it right now. I went online to send email but I got this message when I put my zip code.

    'Access to the requested form is denied, the zip code which you entered does not provide access to this form.'

    We need some one from her district to call her office and find out.

    We need support from california members on this one.

    Rajuram can call his local office. Rajuram can energize base around him and lead a team. There are a lot of things Rajuram can do other than sit and give orders to others.

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  • Photo of Shannon Elizabeth

  • ramus
    07-03 05:32 PM
    Please ask others to do it now...



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  • hpandey
    07-11 01:59 PM
    Thanks. Any input in this tough time is really appreciated. All I am trying to get is , any clue , any information to see the light at the end of this Long Dark Tunnel of EB-3.

    Currently the tunnel is closed at the end for EB-3 :mad: and the only way out I see is for us EB-3 folks to dig through. No one cares about EB-3 I folks. That's the way I see it.

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  • greyhair
    02-12 01:56 PM
    This whole thread is about what Ron Gotcher published. I didn't start this thread. I am only contributing my view that based on available information some things make sense and some dont. The things that do make some sense is wastage of visa numbers in 2010. We have some facts to support the "theory" but not enough.

    What doesn't make sense is Ron's assertion that USCIS wasted 13K EB visas in 2009. Facts simply don't support that.

    Does this help? (Again this is my view... don't want to push it onto others)

    I disagree. This thread is not about some immigration lawyer. This thread is about visa numbers wasted due to USCIS inefficiency. That's what the title of the thread says. Why do I or anybody else care about some immigration lawyer? Why is he/she relevant if its specifically proven with facts that there is no wastage of visa number. You continue to advertise the name of the immigration lawyer. The reason I say this is because in my experience immigration lawyers comment on these issues as if they have direct access to USCIS Director or god. Even after disproving the visa wastage theory with facts you still continue to over analyze immigration body shop instead of discussing the issue. I am just wondering, why would you that? Are you that immigration lawyer or employee of his law firm? Just curious.


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  • chanduv23
    07-01 11:58 AM

    Testimony of Charles Oppenheim, Chief, Immigrant Control and Reporting Division, Visa Services Office, U.S. Department of State, June 6, 2007.

    Any indepth on what is the bigger picture here? Something is happening in the background on the immigration side.

    Looks like lot of politics and blame game among agencies.

    I think immigration lawyers or AILA etc.. may also not have any say here though they all put up on their website that we will file lawsuit etc.....

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  • Shannon Elizabeth

  • sanju
    04-04 03:22 PM
    I still believe this bill may help reshape current mad behavior of H1B application.

    And how does "reshaping current mad behavior of H1B application" help fix green card backlog. Circulating debate around H-1b is the favorite trick of large IT companies. It is also the favorite trick of anti-green card reform groups like IEEE.

    IT IS ABUSED. Actually, this gives rep another excuse to anti-h1b-cap increasing. For whatever reason, ICC should be curbed.

    Just because the quota got over the first day it implies that the system is abused, right? Let me tell who is abused. People waiting for green card are abused. Not fixing green card delays and deliberately keeping the debate around H-1b is an abuse.

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  • somegchuh
    03-15 08:51 PM
    I have been waiting for my GC on purpose. I really wanted it to take 6 years.
    I really wanted to get my Labor to rot in PBEC and then I intentionally wanted to get stuck in Namecheck.

    On a serious note, do you have any idea about how this systems works? Do you have any idea what BEC's were or what namecheck is.

    We will talk about "what the hell have you have been doing for so long" in 4 years when you are moaning about how retrogression has affected you for the last 5 years.

    C'mon guys, what the hell have you been doing for so long?

    I mean look at the archived Visa Bulletins, you observe the following:

    1. EB2 was current for India ALL THROUGH 2003
    2. EB2 was current for India ALL THROUGH 2004
    3. EB2 was current for India till August 2005
    4. After the retrogression in 2005, EB2 India moved up quickly through 2003-2004 to April 2004 by the beginning of 2007

    5. Even after the summer 2007 fiasco (EB2 Current fro July, August 2007), the priority date for EB2 India moved to April 2004 and stayed there for 3 months

    What more do you wish for?
    I don't understand how there any can be anyone from 2004-2005 India still left in the EB2 category.

    This is pathetic. What the hell have you been waiting for?

    07-24 02:38 PM
    jc menon...have u ever taken a law class? do u have a jd? why are u then so adamant on thinking u "found" the loophole?

    we are not stupid morons over here. Neither is the AILA/millions of lawyers that are associated with immigration law. Please for heaven sake dont start now about some conspiracy theory about immigration lawyers having a preference for backlog.

    there is no loophole, there is no precedent and by emailing the director with a moronic question will only show that probably that we have morons stuck in retrogression and probably we deserve to be stuck.

    I dont think anyone should make this a personal issue and try to boast that he/she has complete understanding of the underlying issue while make it seem like everyone else is a buffon. The last thing we want here is people turning against each other and calling names....I can understand that in these trying times we all need some form of vindication to keep our self confidence high...but trying to put the other guy down is not going to get you any respect. Now that was the shrink in me...

    I still say whats wrong is trying to get the procedure changed in a way that USCIS will accept I485 form (forget even the EAD) give you a receipt notice and only act on it once the visa number is available. They certainly seem to have some authority in making rules regarding how and when to accept form, as has been seen in early I129 acceptance and concurrent filing issues ?

    10-16 03:24 PM
    So to put extensive blame on USCIS for the "reaction" (I assume you are talking about the backlogs) is not right.

    Read your above sentence, then read your below sentence. If I try to find a relation between these two sentences I do not know what you are talking.

    Firstly: If USCIS was reacting, they would not have approved the so called "newer" applications.

    Second: When you say "approving" newer applications, are you saying approving older applications by PD or older applications by RD/ND (with older being 3-4 year older RD/PD)?? USCIS has never had to process applications by PD, only factor they have is RD/ND. PD just tells when someone can be approved (or apply), it doesn't get you any priority in the processing queue. I am sure you dont want the situation where you have your later PD, earlier RD, but someone who chose to delay his app to come with an ancient PD, but a fresh RD to get processed ahead of you (when both of you are current) do you?

    Again I am not sure what you are saying but MY PD is in early 2004 and RD was in Aug, they moved my application to another centre and my new RD is Oct. then I saw 2006 and 2007 cases getting approved. This is not right, why are they going by RD and not on PD?.

    I am bit out of touch, but isn't PERM/BEC a DoL operation not USCIS. Then again, those were the factors you have no control. Even when it was just the Labor Cert process, there had been disparities between various processing centers. Some people made use of provisions (sometimes fraudulently) to get their LCs through these "fast" process centers. I too have been affected by the Perm/LC situation, but I don't think USCIS is to take blame on that.

    Exactly dude, there should be some synchronization between DOL and USCIS. Just saying that USCIS is not responsible for DOL�s actions does not solve the problem, they can conveniently blame each other and take till eternity to process applications and you will keep saying the same thing that USCIS is not to be blamed.

    Am I defending USCIS: No, I am just saying if people want a Flower campaign, they should go ahead with it. No point putting FUD to stop people from doing what they want.

    No, you did not say that, all you said was USCIS is not doing anything wrong.